1. 80篇甲殼蟲經典廣告原圖、原文。 一個文案可以拯救一個産品,甚至一個公司。甲殼蟲那則"Think small"的廣告太知名瞭,以至於很多人都以為當年的DDB(恒美廣告)隻創作這一張廣告就把美國市場搞定瞭。其實這一係列廣告做瞭很多年,有很多張。 如果你是個文案,你就應該知道這些文案的價值;如果你是做市場的,你就應該知道這個經典的案例。
2."陪無聊的人吃飯,不如聽有趣的人扯淡。"——互聯網+遇到新廣告法,文案應該如何創作? 戛納廣告節銅獅奬獲得者,廣告文案大咖小馬宋,在這裏與你分享: ·與廣告及文案創作相關的《小馬宋文案扯淡錄》8篇; ·《一個廣告文案的自白》係列文案及創作時的想法和思路7篇。
如果你想做個文案…… 002
"高端大氣"與豬飼料 007
文案也是個技術活 012
若夢想照進現實…… 017
文案是什麼? 021
文案是聊齣來的 028
"大便體"與"牛×體" 033
世界上的好文案都是相通的--關於文案的細節性陳述 041
危機公關應該做的事 049
抓不住根本法則,學再多玩法也是白費 051
從鍋爐工到創意總監 053
醫者不自醫--為什麼廣告公司不會為自己做廣告? 058
聽瞭那麼多道理,依然做不好營銷? 060
名字取得好,公司上市早 063
怎麼識彆不靠譜的社會化營銷公司? 067
Do you think the Volkswagen is homely?
你覺得VW不夠好看? 070
A Volkswagen can go forward
一輛VW 072
After a few years, it starts to look beautiful.
再過幾年,它就開始好看瞭 074
Ugly is only skin-deep.
車不可貌相 076
Made in U.S.A.
美國製造 078
Do you earn too much to afford one?
某些人收入太高,而VW格調過低? 080
Live below your means.
量入為齣 082
Introducing two of the most radical changes in Volkswagen history. Can you spot them?
VW曆史上兩大重要改進, 你注意到瞭嗎? 084
Why is our nose so stubby?
為什麼VW的車鼻是禿的? 086
One of the nice things about owning it is selling it.
擁有它的樂趣之一,就是可以日後賣掉 088
Has the Volkswagen fad died out?
VW流行風潮過去瞭嗎? 090
Who in the world seals the bottom? Volkswagen.
世上誰會把車盤底密封?VW 092
Why are the wheels crooked?
為何輪子有點歪? 094
Will we ever kill the bug?
我們會乾掉這隻甲殼蟲嗎? 096
Even the bottom of a Volkswagen looks funny.
即便車底看來也有點意思 098
Some of the most unusual things about a Volkswagen are things you don't usually see.
VW不凡之處,通常不易窺見 100
The inside is finished like the outside.
錶裏如一 102
Can you name this car?
你猜到這部車的名字瞭嗎? 104
Need a part?
需要汽車配件瞭? 106
It's a little too much car for the money.
這車太超值瞭 108
Repair'em? I've got enough parts to build'em!
修什麼?有這些配件,我完全可以重裝一輛! 110
A Volkswagen, obviously.
是輛VW,毫無疑問 112
The experimental X-93 Volkswagen.
VWX-93型車,在試驗中 114
The best kept secret in Washington, D.C.
華盛頓特區的驚人內幕 116
Presenting the 84 mpg Volkswagen.
每加侖跑84英裏的VW 118
What if you only need part of a Volkswagen?
要是你隻想要一個VW零部件? 120
No point showing the '62 Volkswagen. It still looks the same.
1962年的VW也沒啥亮點,看起來都一樣 122
The only water a Volkswagen needs is the water you wash it with.
VW會用到水,但僅僅用來洗車 124
Last one to conk out is a Volkswagen.
扛到最後的,一定是VW 126
"A funny thing happened when I decided to expose that phony floating Volkswagen
"我正想要曝光VW車能浮在水中的虛假廣告,有趣的事卻發生瞭。" 128
If Ted Kenney drove a Volkswagen, he'd be President today.
泰德·肯尼迪當年要是開輛VW,現在的總統就是他瞭 130
Volkswagen's unique construction keeps dampness out.
VW獨特的設計橫掃濕氣 132
Save water.
節約用水 134
The first car at the bottom of the world.
第一部齣現在世界盡頭的車 136
Every new one comes slightly used.
每一部新車都會被開過一段距離 138
Sooner or later, your wife will drive home one of the best reasons for owning a Volkswagen.
你的夫人遲早都會自己開車迴傢 140
You don't have to replace half the car.
你沒必要更換大半部車 142
Why so many Volkswagens live to be 100,000.
為何眾多VW車能跑到10萬裏程? 144
All good things must come to an end.
再美好的事物終有結束的一天 146
Every now and then a VW runs into a little trouble at the factory.
VW不時會在工廠遇到點麻煩 148
不可能 150
酸檸檬 152
After 3 years, the car that cost the least cost the most.
當初售價最低的車,三年後卻售價最高 154
A new VW is cheaper at twice the price.
新的VW比這個價貴一倍,但還是劃算 156
It's been replaced.
這部甲殼蟲已被完全替換 160
That's how many times we inspect a Volkswagen.
這就是我們檢驗VW的次數 162
How to make a '54 look like a '64.
如何讓1954年的車看起來像1964年的? 164
Think small
眼界不用那麼高 166
It makes your house look bigger.
它讓你的房子顯得大瞭 168
It does all the work, but on Saturday night which one goes to the party?
它什麼都做,但是周末晚上赴宴的是誰? 170
Pick the right day to test drive a VW and you'll have the road to yourself.
在閤適的日子開上VW,你可以成為馬路之王 172
We finally came up with a beautiful picture of a Volkswagen.
這場景對VW來說,真是美妙 174
They said it couldn't be done.
It couldn't.
他們說辦不到,就是辦不到 176
33 years later, he got the bug.
三十三年後,他擁有瞭甲殼蟲 178
After 30 Volkswagens, Father Bittman still believes.
開過三十部VW,畢門神父更堅定瞭他的信念 180
"It was the only thing to do after the mule died."
"騾子死瞭,隻能如此。" 182
With 34 wives, even a king has to cut a few corners.
即使是國王,養34個老婆也不易 184
Which man would you vote for?
你投哪一位? 186
Our car the movie star.
大牌駕到 188
Don't laugh.
不要笑 190
One hour later, it won't get hungry again.
它不會在一小時之後又叫肚子餓 192
Think it over, New York, Chicago, San Francisco.
想一想紐約、芝加哥和舊金山的交通現狀吧 194
There's a bit of the beast in every bug.
每部甲殼蟲都有點獸性 196
It's a bird. It's a plane. It's a Volkswagen?
小鳥,飛機,甲殼蟲? 198
The $35,000 Volkswagen.
價值35,000美元的VW 200
How much longer can we hand you this line?
這條麯綫還能傳承多久? 202
Is the economy trying to tell you something?
算賬 204
V-V-Volkswagen announces air conditioning.
V-V-VW推齣車內空調 206
Our image.
我們的形象 208
Some shapes are hard to improve on.
有些外形很難再改進瞭 210
Can you still get prime quality for $1.26 a pound?
1.26美元1磅的上等貨,現在還有嗎? 212
How does a little bug survive in the automotive jungle?
一部甲殼蟲的汽車叢林生存法則 214
If gas pains persist, try Volkswagen.
如果油價高燒不退,可以試試VW 216
It's ugly, but it gets you there.
它很醜,但它能帶你到想去的地方 218
Think small
18 New York University students have gotten into a sun-roof VW; a tight fit. The Volkswagen is sensibly sized for a family. Mother, Father, and three growing kids suit it nicely.
In economy runs, the VW averages close to 50 miles per gallon. You won't do near that; after all, professional drivers have canny trade secrets. (Want to know some? Write VW, Box #65, Englewood, N. J.) Use regular gas and forget about oil between changes.
The VW is 4 feet shorter than a conventional car (yet has as much leg room up front). While other cars are doomed to roam the crowded streets, you park in tiny places.
VW spare parts are inexpensive. A new front fender (at an authorized VW dealer) is $21.75.* A cylinder head, $19.95.* The nice thing is, they're seldom needed.
A new Volkswagen sedan is $1,565.* Other than a radio and side view mirror, that includes everything you'll really need.
In 1959 about 120,000 Americans thought small and bought VWs.
Think about it.
It makes your house look bigger.
Cars are getting to be bigger, so houses are getting to look smaller.
But one little Volkswagen can put everything back in its proper perspective.
A VW parked in front does big things for your house. And your garage. To say nothing of small parking spots and narrow roads.
On the other hand, a VW does make some things smaller.
Gas bills, for instance. (At 32mpg, they'll probably be half what you pay now.)
You'll probably never add oil between changes. You'll certainly never need antifreeze. Tires go 40,000 miles. And even insurance costs less.
One thing you'd think might be smaller in a Volkswagen is the inside.
But there's as much legroom in front of a VW as there is in the biggest cars.
When you think about it, you really have only two choices:
You can buy a bigger house for who-knows-how-much.
Or a Volkswagen for $1,675.*
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