Persuasive Technology epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
Persuasive Technology epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
B. J. 福格
實驗心理學傢、斯坦福說服性技術實驗室(Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab)創始人,因其卓越的學術研究貢獻被《財富》雜誌評為“你應該知道的十位新秀大師”之一。
福格博士每年要為計算機科學係和斯坦福大學的學習、設計和技術項目教授說服性技術方麵的研究生課程。另外,福格博士還曾在多傢世界500強企業任職,並為其提供健康、生産力和財務福祉方麵的培訓。他曾經領導過惠普實驗室、間隔研究公司(Interval Research)和太陽微係統公司的戰略創新工作。受其說服性技術影響而設計的大量産品(包括由福格博士的學生聯閤創建的“照片牆(Instagram)”應用程序)受到瞭數百萬使用者的喜愛。
Can computers change what you think and do? Can they motivate you to stop smoking, persuade you to buy insurance, or convince you to join the Army?
"Yes, they can," says Dr. B.J. Fogg, director of the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford University. Fogg has coined the phrase "Captology"(an acronym for computers as persuasive technologies) to capture the domain of research, design, and applications of persuasive computers.In this thought-provoking book, based on nine years of research in captology, Dr. Fogg reveals how Web sites, software applications, and mobile devices can be used to change people's attitudes and behavior. Technology designers, marketers, researchers, consumersanyone who wants to leverage or simply understand the persuasive power of interactive technologywill appreciate the compelling insights and illuminating examples found inside.
Persuasive technology can be controversialand it should be. Who will wield this power of digital influence? And to what end? Now is the time to survey the issues and explore the principles of persuasive technology, and B.J. Fogg has written this book to be your guide.
* Filled with key term definitions in persuasive computing
*Provides frameworks for understanding this domain
*Describes real examples of persuasive technologies
Persuasive Technology epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
Persuasive Technology 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書Persuasive Technology mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2024
Persuasive Technology epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載##先驅之作 雖然觀點簡單但考慮時代畢竟已經很不錯瞭 有些還挺有前瞻性…
評分##There's always a book making you wonder why you've missed it for so long.For a programmer,programming is just a tool,code itself is cold,it's the shining idea and consistent passion make it warm.Thus,always open to knowledge from other backgrounds like psychology,behavioral economics,education.etc,is really a necessity instead rather than a plus.
評分福格的說服技術可以說是貫穿瞭一整個互聯網交互發展曆史的,也由此作為底層邏輯誕生瞭一係列耳熟能詳的交互産品,可以說在人類的日常生活當中已經非常普及瞭,無論是否是互聯網從業者,都值得閱讀,去理解我們的生活因為互聯網而發生瞭什麼樣的變化。 在當今這個時代,已經不僅...
評分 評分 評分 評分##這是一本persuasive technology的奠基之作,讀完仿佛打通瞭任督二脈。 可以配閤tiny habits 、MAP behavior 、behavior grid書和論文一起讀~
評分##There's always a book making you wonder why you've missed it for so long.For a programmer,programming is just a tool,code itself is cold,it's the shining idea and consistent passion make it warm.Thus,always open to knowledge from other backgrounds like psychology,behavioral economics,education.etc,is really a necessity instead rather than a plus.
評分Persuasive Technology epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024