“黑布林英语阅读”是一套适合国内小学低年级至高中二年级学生使用的英语分级读物,由上海外语教育出版社从欧洲专门从事英语教育的Helbling Languages出版机构引进。这套读物全彩设计、图文并茂,将经典小说与当代作品完美结合,可全面满足国内小学、初中和高中各阶段学习者的英语阅读需要。
Joseph Conrad was born in 1857, in Berdychiv,part of the Polish Ukraine. His real name wasJozef Teodor Konrad Nalecz Korzeniowski.Conrad lived in the Ukraine and Russia as achild and after the death of both of his parents,he was looked after by his uncle in Poland. Froman early age he learnt French, read Shakespeareand became very fond of the Polish romanticpoets, but he also had a passion for the sea. Hisuncle allowed him to go to sea as soon as he had finished school andin 1878, he joined the British Merchant Navy, eventually becoming acaptain. Conrad sailed extensively2 all over the world and in 1890 hewent to the Belgian Congo, which was later his inspiration for Heart ofDarkness (1902). This journey, however, made Conrad ill and in 1894,he gave up the sea to become a full-time writer, mainly because of hishealth problems. In 1886 Conrad obtained British nationality and when he left the navyhe settled3 in the south of England. In 1895, his first novel - Almayer'sFolly4, an adventure set on the coast of Borneo - was published. In1896 he married Jessie George and they had two sons. He regularlypublished short stories, novels and essays, but was not financiallysuccessful until 1913, when his novel Chance became popular. Conradwas widely recognised as a remarkable5 writer by other writers, andhis novels Lord Jim (1900), Heart of Darkness (1902), Nostromo (1904), TheSecret Agent (1907) and Under Western Eyes (1911) were highly praised.His ability to handle~ English with such style is even more impressive7when one thinks that it was his third language. Conrad died of a heartattack in 1924.
Virginia Woolf was born on 25th January1882 in London. Her parents were wealthyand their home was comfortable. Virginiagrew up surrounded by books and intelligentconversation.Virginia Woolf had a tragic life. Many of thepeople closest to her died prematurely~ andshe suffered a number of nervous breakdownsthroughout her life. After her father's death in 1904, Virginia movedto the Bloomsbury area of London. Here, with her brother and friends,she helped form the Bloomsbury Group. The group was an intellectualcircle of writers and artists who greatly influenced cultural attitudesin Britain in the early 20th century.In 1912, Virginia married Leonard Woolf. He was the stable3 presencethat Virginia needed. Virginia Woolf is acknowledged as one of thegreatest innovators in the English language and is a leading writer ofthe Modernist movement. She used a literary device called 'stream ofconsciousness''~ to give voice to her characters' thoughts.She wrote nine novels, two biographies, a volume of short stories, fivevolumes of collected essays and reviews, and a volume of selectionsfrom her diary. Her most famous novels are: Mrs. Dalloway, To theLighthouse and A Room of One's Own.In March 1941, Virginia drowned herself5 in a river near her EastSussex home. In a letter to her husband she said that she felt she wasgoing insane~ and she did not want to spoil his life, too.
About the Author
About the Book
Before Reading
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
After Reading
Answer Key
About the Author
About the Book
Before Reading
I The Window
II Time Passes
III The Lighthouse
After Reading
Answer Key
《黑布林英语阅读》系列由上海外语教育出版社从欧洲专门从事英语教育的Helbling Languages出版机构引进。这套读物全彩设计、图文并茂,将经典小说与当代作品完美结合,可全面满足国内小学、初中和高中各阶段学习者的英语阅读需要。
小学段为绘本,目前共出版15册,分a-e5个级别,每级别3册。每级别故事围绕若干话题展开,如a级话题有字母、数字、问候语、玩具等;随着级别递进,话题不断深入,至e级话题涉及情感、音乐、电视等。每册读物配一张可供白板和PC使用的CD-ROM/ALJdio CD:CD-RQM部分包含完整的故事录音、若干多媒体互动游戏、chants模仿秀,以及图片单词背背看等;AudioCD部分不仅提供完整的故事录音,还提供所有听力练习的录音。
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黑布林英语阅读 高二年级(第1辑 套装1-5册) 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025