兰迪·拉森(Randy J. Larsen),于1984年获得人格心理学博士学位。1992年被授予人格心理学学术新人杰出科学成就奖,于1987年获得美国心理健康国家研究院颁发的科学研究发展奖,2000年当选为美国中西部心理学会主席。
戴维·巴斯(David M. Buss),于1981年获得心理学博士学位。就职于哈佛大学和密歇根大学。1988年荣获美国心理学协会授予的人格心理学学术新人杰出科学成就奖,1990年被美国心理学授予G.Stanley Hall奖,2001年获得美国心理学协会颁发的杰出科学教授奖。
—— 郭永玉
Brief Contents
1. Introduction to Personality Psychology
2. Personality Assessment, Measurement, and Research Design
The Dispositional Domain
3. Traits and Trait Taxonomies
4. the oretical and Measurement Issues in Trait Psychology
5. Personality Dispositions over Time: Stability, Coherence, and Change
The Biological Domain
6. Genetics and Personality
7. Physiological Approaches to Personality
8. Evolutionary Perspectives on Personality
The Intrapsychic Domain
9. Psychoanalytic Approaches to Personality
10. Psychoanalytic Approaches: Contemporary Issues
11. Motives and Personality
The Cognitive/Experiential Domain
12. Cognitive Topics in Personality
13. Emotion and Personality
14. Approaches to the Self
The Social and Cultural Domain
15. Personality and Social Interaction
16. Sex, Gender, and Personality
17. Culture and Personality
The Adjustment Domain
18. Stress, Coping, Adjustment, and Health
19. Disorders of Personality
20. Summary and Future Directions
Introduction to Personality Psychology
Personality Defined
Personality Is the Set of Psychological Traits . . .
And Mechanisms . . .
Within the Individual . . .
That Are Organized and Relatively Enduring . . .
And That Influence . . .
His or Her Interactions with . . .
And Adaptations to . . .
The Environment
Three Levels of Personality Analysis
Human Nature
Individual and Group Differences
Individual Uniqueness
A Fissure in the Field
Grand Theories of Personality
Contemporary Research in Personality
Six Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature
Dispositional Domain
Biological Domain
Intrapsychic Domain
Cognitive-Experiential Domain
Social and Cultural Domain
Adjustment Domain
The Role of Personality theory
Standards for Evaluating Personality theories
Is h ere a Grand Ultimate and True theory of Personality?
Key Terms
Personality Assessment, Measurement, and Research Design
Sources of Personality Data
Self-Report Data (S-Data)
Observer-Report Data (O-Data)
Test Data (T-Data)
Life-Outcome Data (L-Data)
Issues in Personality Assessment
Evaluation of Personality Measures
Response Sets
Research Designs in Personality
Experimental Methods
Correlational Studies
Case Studies
When to Use Experimental, Correlational, and Case Study Designs
Summary and Evaluation
Key Terms
The Dispositional Domain
Aristotle,in The Nicomachean Ethics, expressed these wise observations on the subject of humor and people who do and do not indulge in it. In this quote we see Aristotle behaving much as a personality psychologist. Aristotle is analyzing the characteristics of persons who have an appropriate sense of humor, providing some details about what features are associated with a sense of humor. Aristotle adds to this description by comparing people who are extreme, having either too much or too little sense of humor. In his book on ethics, Aristotle described and analyzed many personality characteristics, including truthfulness, courage, intel-ligence, self-indulgence, anger proneness, and friendliness.
We might conclude that Aristotle was an amateur personality psychologist. But aren’t we all amateur personality psychologists to some extent? Aren’t we all curious about the characteristics people possess, including our own characteristics? Don’t we all use personality characteristics in describing people? And haven’t we all used personality characteristics to explain behavior, either our own or others’?When we say that our friend goes to a lot of parties because she is outgoing, we are using personality to explain her behavior. When we refer to another friend as conscien-tious and reliable, we are describing features of his personality. When we characterize ourselves as thoughtful, intelligent, and ambitious, we are describing features of our personalities.
Features of personality make people different from one another, and these features usually take the form of adjectives, such as John is lazy, Mary is optimistic, and Fred is anxious. Adjectives that can be used to describe characteristics of people are called trait-descriptive adjectives. There are nearly 20,000 such trait-descriptive adjectives in the English language. This astonishing fact alone tells us that, in everyday life, there are compelling reasons for trying to understand and describe those we interact with, as well as ourselves.
Notice that the adjectives describing personality refer to several very different as-pects of people. Words such as thoughtful refer to inner qualities of mind. Words such as charming and humorous refer to the effects a person has on other people. Words such as domineering are relational and signify a person’s position, or stance, toward others. Words such as ambitious refer to the intensity of desire to reach our goals. Words such as creative refer both to a quality of mind and to the nature of the products we produce. Words such as deceitful refer to the strategies a person uses to attain his or her goals.
All of these features describe aspects of personality.
Exercise? Think of someone you know well—say, a friend, family member, or roommate. Consider the many characteristics that make this person unique. List the ? ve adjectives you think best capture this person’s personality. For example, if you were to describe this person to someone, what ? ve adjectives would you use? Now, ask your target person to list the ? ve adjectives he or she thinks best describe him- or herself. Compare your lists.
We have devoted our lives to the study of personality and believe this i eld is one of the most exciting in all of psychology. Thus we were enormously gratii ed to see the volume of e-mails, letters, and comments from satisi ed consumers of our i rst, second, third, and fourth editions. At the same time, preparing the fi fth edition proved to be a humbling experience. The cascade of exciting publications in the field of personality is formidable, requiring not merely updating but also the addition of major sections of new material. Moreover, in important ways our first edition proved prescient.
Rather than organize our text around the traditional grand theories of personality, we devised a framework of six important domains of knowledge about personality func-tioning. These six domains are the dispositional domain (traits, trait taxonomies, and personality dispositions over time), the biological domain (physiology, genetics, evolution), the intrapsychic domain (psychodynamics, motives), the cognitive- experiential domain (cognition, emotion, and the self), the social and cultural domain (social interaction, gender, and culture), and the adjustment domain (stress, coping, health, and personality disorders). We believed these domains of knowledge represented the contemporary state of affairs in personality psychology, and progress in the field since publication of our first edition has continued to bear out that belief.
Our previous editions differed from other texts in the importance placed on culture, gender, and biology, and these areas of personality have shown substantial growth in recent years. But we have also been fascinated to witness the growth in each of the six major
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