物理及工程中的分數維微積分(第2捲):應用(英文版) [Fractional Derivatives for Physicists and Engineers Volume Ⅱ Application epub pdf  mobi txt 電子書 下載

物理及工程中的分數維微積分(第2捲):應用(英文版) [Fractional Derivatives for Physicists and Engineers Volume Ⅱ Application epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024

物理及工程中的分數維微積分(第2捲):應用(英文版) [Fractional Derivatives for Physicists and Engineers Volume Ⅱ Application epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024

[俄羅斯] 尤查金(Vladimir V.Uchaikin) 著



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齣版社: 高等教育齣版社
叢書名: 非綫性物理科學
外文名稱:Fractional Derivatives for Physicists and Engineers Volume Ⅱ Applications

物理及工程中的分數維微積分(第2捲):應用(英文版) [Fractional Derivatives for Physicists and Engineers Volume Ⅱ Application epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024

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  尤查金(Vladimir V.Uchaikin)教授為著名的俄羅斯科學傢,俄羅斯自然科學院院士。他在分數維領域研究瞭近40年,已發錶過300多篇論文並齣版10多部著作。



7.1 Tautochrone problem
7.1.1 Non-relativistic case
7.1.2 Relativistic case
7.2 Inverse problems
7.2.1 Finding potential from a period-energy dependence
7.2.2 Finding potential from scattering data
7.2.3 Stellar systems
7.3 Motion through a viscous fluid
7.3.1 Entrainment of fluid by a moving wall
7.3.2 Newton's equation with fractional term
7.3.3 Solution by the Laplace transform method
7.3.4 Solution by the Green functions method
7.3.5 Fractionalized fall process
7.4 Fractional oscillations
7.4.1 Fractionalized harmonic oscillator
7.4.2 Linear chain of fractional oscillators
7.4.3 Fractionalized waves
7.4.4 Fractionalized Frenkel-Kontorova model
7.4.5 Oscillations of bodies in a viscous fluid
7.5 Dynamical control problems
7.5.1 PID controller and its fractional generalization
7.5.2 Fractional transfer functions
7.5.3 Fractional optimal control problem
7.6 Analytical fractional dynamics
7.6.1 Euler-Lagrange equation
7.6.2 Discrete system Hamiltonian
7.6.3 Potentials of non-concervative forces
7.6.4 Hamilton-Jacobi mechanics
7.6.5 Hamiltonian formalism for field theory

Continuum Mechanics
8.1 Classical hydrodynamics
8.1.1 A simple hydraulic problem
8.1.2 Liquid drop oscillations
8.1.3 Sound radiation
8.1.4 Deep water waves
8.2 Turbulent motion
8.2.1 Kolmogorov's model of turbulence
8.2.2 From Kolmogorov's hypothesis to the space-fractional equation
8.2.3 From Boltzmann's equation to the time-fractional telegraph one
8.2.4 Turbulent diffusion in a viscous fluid
8.2.5 Navier-Stokes equation
8.2.6 Reynolds' equation
8.2.7 Diffusion in lane flows
8.2.8 Subdiffusion in a random compressible flow
8.3 Fractional models of viscoelasticity
8.3.1 Two first models of fractional viscoelasticity
8.3.2 Fractionalized Maxwell model
8.3.3 Fractionalized Kelvin-Voigt model
8.3.4 Standard model and its generalization
8.3.5 Bagley-Torvik model
8.3.6 Hysteresis loop
8.3.7 Rabotnov's model
8.3.8 Compound mechanical models
8.3.9 The Rouse model of polymers
8.3.10 Hamiltonian dynamic approach
8.4 Viscoelastic fluids motion
8.4.1 Gerasimov's results
8.4.2 E1-Shahed-Salem solutions
8.4.3 Fractional Maxwell fluid: plain flow
8.4.4 Fractional Maxwell fluid: longitudinal flow in a cylinder
8.4.5 Magnetohydrodynamic flow
8.4.6 Burgers' equation
8.5 Solid bodies
8.5.1 Viscoelastic rods
8.5.2 Local fractional approach
8.5.3 Nonlocal approach

Porous Media
9.1 Diffusion
9.1.1 Main concepts of anomalous diffusion
9.1.2 Granular porosity
9.1.3 Fiber porosity
9.1.4 Filtration
9.1.5 MHD flow in porous media
9.1.6 Advection-diffusion model
9.1.7 Reaction-diffusion equations
9.2 Fractional acoustics
9.2.1 Lokshin-Suvorova equation
9.2.2 Schneider-Wyss equation
9.2.3 Matignon et al. equation
9.2.4 Viscoelastic loss operators
9.3 Geophysical applications
9.3.1 Water transport in unsaturated soils
9.3.2 Seepage flow
9.3.3 Foam Drainage Equation
9.3.4 Seismic waves
9.3.5 Multi-degree-of-freedom system of devices
9.3.6 Spatial-temporal distribution of aftershocks

10 Thermodynamics
10.1 Classical heat transfer theory
10.1.1 Heat flux through boundaries
10.1.2 Flux through a spherical surface
10.1.3 Splitting inhomogeneous equations
10.1.4 Heat transfer in porous media
10.1.5 Hyperbolic heat conduction equation
10.1.6 Inverse problems
10.2 Fractional heat transfer models
10.2.1 Fractional heat conduction laws
10.2.2 Fractional equations for heat transport
10.2.3 Application to thermoelasticity
10.2.4 Some irreversible processes
10.3 Phase transitions
10.3.1 Ornstein-Zernicke equation
10.3.2 Fractional Ginzburg-Landau equation
10.3.3 Classification of phase transitions
10.4 Around equilibrium
10.4.1 Relaxation to the thermal equilibrium
10.4.2 Fractionalization of the entropy

11 Electrodynamics
11.1 Electromagnetic field
11.1.1 Maxwell equations
11.1.2 Fractional multipoles
11.1.3 A link between two electrostatic images
11.1.4 "Intermediate" waves
11.2 Optics
11.2.1 Fractional differentiation method
11.2.2 Wave-diffusion model of image transfer
11.2.3 Superdiffusion transfer
11.2.4 Subdiffusion and combined (bifractional) diffusion

transfer models
11.3 Laser optics
11.3.1 Laser beam equation
11.3.2 Propagation of laser beam through fractal medium
11.3.3 Free electron lasers
11.4 Dielectrics
11.4.1 Phenomenology of relaxation
11.4.2 Cole-Cole process: macroscopic view
11.4.3 Microscopic view
11.4.4 Memory phenomenon
11.4.5 Cole-Davidson process
11.4.6 Havriliak-Negami process
11.5 Semiconductors
11.5.1 Diffusion in semiconductors
11.5.2 Dispersive transport: transient current curves
11.5.3 Stability as a consequence of self-similarity
11.5.4 Fractional equations as a consequence of stability
11.6 Conductors
11.6.1 Skin-effect in a good conductor
11.6.2 Electrochemistry
11.6.3 Rough surface impedance
11.6.4 Electrical line
11.6.5 Josephson effect

12 Quantum Mechanics
12.1 Atom optics
12.1.1 Atoms in an optical lattice
12.1.2 Laser cooling of atoms
12.1.3 Atomic force microscopy
12.2 Quantum particles
12.2.1 Kinetic-fractional Schodinger equation
12.2.2 Potential-fractional Schrodinger equation
12.2.3 Time-fractional Schrodinger equation
13 Plasma Dynamics
14 Cosmic Rays
15 Closing Chapter

Appendix A Some Special Functions
Appendix B Fractional Stable Densities
Appendix C Fractional Operators: Symbols and Formulas

物理及工程中的分數維微積分(第2捲):應用(英文版) [Fractional Derivatives for Physicists and Engineers Volume Ⅱ Application epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024

物理及工程中的分數維微積分(第2捲):應用(英文版) [Fractional Derivatives for Physicists and Engineers Volume Ⅱ Application 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書

物理及工程中的分數維微積分(第2捲):應用(英文版) [Fractional Derivatives for Physicists and Engineers Volume Ⅱ Application pdf 下載 mobi 下載 pub 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2024

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2009年,張首晟入選 “韆人計劃”,並被清華大學特聘為教授,開始為祖國效力。此後,張首晟日益受到國內媒體的關注。這時,人們發現,這位曾在2010年獲得歐洲物理奬、2012年獲得狄拉剋奬、2012年美國物理學會的巴剋利奬等多個國際大奬的科學傢成長之路竟是如此之“順”!


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物理及工程中的分數維微積分(第2捲):應用(英文版) [Fractional Derivatives for Physicists and Engineers Volume Ⅱ Application epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024

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物理及工程中的分數維微積分(第2捲):應用(英文版) [Fractional Derivatives for Physicists and Engineers Volume Ⅱ Application epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024





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