Historical Introduction
Chapter 1
The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Divisibility
1.3 Greatest common divisor
1.4 Prime numbers
1.5 The fundamental theorem of arithmetic
1.6 The series of reciprocals of the primes
1.7 The Euclidean algorithm
1.8 The greatest common divisor of more than two, numbers
Exercises for Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Arithmetical Functions and Dirichlet Multiplication
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The M6bius function (n)
2.3 The Euler totient function (n)
2.4 A relation connecting and u
2.5 A product formula for (n)
2.6 The Dirichlet product of arithmetical functions
2.7 Dirichlet inverses and the M6bius inversion formula
2.8 The Mangoldt function A(n)
2.9 Muitiplicative functions
2.10 Multiplicative functions and Dirichlet multiplication
2.11 The inverse of a completely multiplicative function
2.12 Liouville's function)
2.13 The divisor functions a,(n)
2.14 Generalized convolutions
2.15 Formal power series
2.16 The Bell series of an arithmetical function
2.17 Bell series and Dirichlet multiplication
2.18 Derivatives of arithmetical functions
2.19 The Selberg identity
Exercises for Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Averages of Arithmetical Functions
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The big oh notation. Asymptotic equality of functions
3.3 Euler's summation formula
3.4 Some elementary asymptotic formulas
3.5 The average order of din)
3.6 The average order of the divisor functions a,(n)
3.7 The average order of ~0(n)
3.8 An application to the distribution of lattice points visible from the origin
3.9 The average order of/4n) and of A(n)
3.10 The partial sums ofa Dirichlet product
3.11 Applications to pin) and A(n)
3.12 Another identity for the partial gums of a Dirichlet product
Exercises for Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Some Elementary Theorems on the Distribution of Prime
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Chebyshev's functions (x) and (x)
4.3 Relations connecting/x) and n(x)
4.4 Some equivalent forms of the prime number theorem
4.5 Inequalities for (n) and p,
4.6 Shapiro's Tauberian theorem
4.7 Applications of Shapiro's theorem
4.8 An asymptotic formula for the partial sums, (I/p)
4.9 The partial sums of the M6bius function 91
4.10 Brief sketch of an elementary proof of the prime number theorem
4.11 Selbcrg's asymptotic formula
Exercises for Chapter 4
Chapter 5
5.1 Definition and basic properties of congruences
5.2 Residue classes and complete residue systems
5.3 Linear congruences
Chapter 6
Finite Abelian Groups and Their Characters
Chapter 7
Dirichlet's Theorem on Primes in Arithmetic Progressions
Chapter 8
Periodic Arithmetical Functions and Gauss Sums
Chapter 9
Quadratic Residues and the Quadratic Reciprocity Law
Chapter 10
Primitive Roots
Chapter 11
Dirichlet Series and Euler Products
Chapter 12
The Functions (s) and L(s,x)
Chapter 13
Analytic Proof of the Prime Number Theorem
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2 Combinatorial Rigidity, Jack Graver, Brigitte Servatius, Herman Servatius (1993, ISBN 978-0-8218-3801-3)
2 Combinatorial Rigidity, Jack Graver, Brigitte Servatius, Herman Servatius (1993, ISBN 978-0-8218-3801-3)
2 Combinatorial Rigidity, Jack Graver, Brigitte Servatius, Herman Servatius (1993, ISBN 978-0-8218-3801-3)
This volume is the record of an instructional conference on number theory and arithmetic geometry held from August 9 through 18, 1995 at Boston University. It contains expanded versions of all of the major lectures given during the conference. We want to thank all of the speakers, all of the writers whose contributions make up this volume, and all of the "behindthe-scenes" folks whose assistance was indispensable in running the conference. We would especially like to express our appreciation to