無序的用處 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
無序的用處 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
理查德·桑內特(Richard Sennett,1943— ),當代著名社會學傢和思想傢,倫敦政治經濟學院社會學教授,哥倫比亞大學資本主義與社會中心的高級研究員,曾任紐約大學教授。因其在社會學、城市規劃研究等方麵的傑齣貢獻,屢獲黑格爾奬、斯賓諾莎奬、格爾達·亨剋爾奬和特森諾奬等國際奬項。他的主要著作有:《公共人的衰落》(1977)、《肉體與石頭——西方文明中的身體與城市》(1994)、《新資本主義的文化》(2006)、《匠人》(2008)。
本書展示瞭西方現代城市 “有序”的社區是如何將人們固化的,這種固化扼殺瞭個人的進一步成長。作者解釋瞭公認的秩序理想是如何在城市中産群體中産生乏味、狹隘和暴力傾嚮的行為模式。他證明,大多數城市規劃都是以同樣的固化方式進行,並從具體和人性的角度說明瞭為什麼這種方法沒有解決也不能解決我們的城市問題。
無序的用處 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
無序的用處 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書無序的用處 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
無序的用處 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載大到一個城市,小到自己的書房,無序都有它的用處。 Richard Sennett was 25 when his first book, The Uses of Disorder, was published in 1970. Reissued with a new preface, this prescient study of class, city life and identity celebrates the dynamism and diversity of metropolitan life and calls for an urban ren...
評分大到一個城市,小到自己的書房,無序都有它的用處。 Richard Sennett was 25 when his first book, The Uses of Disorder, was published in 1970. Reissued with a new preface, this prescient study of class, city life and identity celebrates the dynamism and diversity of metropolitan life and calls for an urban ren...
評分大到一個城市,小到自己的書房,無序都有它的用處。 Richard Sennett was 25 when his first book, The Uses of Disorder, was published in 1970. Reissued with a new preface, this prescient study of class, city life and identity celebrates the dynamism and diversity of metropolitan life and calls for an urban ren...
評分大到一個城市,小到自己的書房,無序都有它的用處。 Richard Sennett was 25 when his first book, The Uses of Disorder, was published in 1970. Reissued with a new preface, this prescient study of class, city life and identity celebrates the dynamism and diversity of metropolitan life and calls for an urban ren...
評分大到一個城市,小到自己的書房,無序都有它的用處。 Richard Sennett was 25 when his first book, The Uses of Disorder, was published in 1970. Reissued with a new preface, this prescient study of class, city life and identity celebrates the dynamism and diversity of metropolitan life and calls for an urban ren...
評分大到一個城市,小到自己的書房,無序都有它的用處。 Richard Sennett was 25 when his first book, The Uses of Disorder, was published in 1970. Reissued with a new preface, this prescient study of class, city life and identity celebrates the dynamism and diversity of metropolitan life and calls for an urban ren...
評分大到一個城市,小到自己的書房,無序都有它的用處。 Richard Sennett was 25 when his first book, The Uses of Disorder, was published in 1970. Reissued with a new preface, this prescient study of class, city life and identity celebrates the dynamism and diversity of metropolitan life and calls for an urban ren...
評分大到一個城市,小到自己的書房,無序都有它的用處。 Richard Sennett was 25 when his first book, The Uses of Disorder, was published in 1970. Reissued with a new preface, this prescient study of class, city life and identity celebrates the dynamism and diversity of metropolitan life and calls for an urban ren...
評分大到一個城市,小到自己的書房,無序都有它的用處。 Richard Sennett was 25 when his first book, The Uses of Disorder, was published in 1970. Reissued with a new preface, this prescient study of class, city life and identity celebrates the dynamism and diversity of metropolitan life and calls for an urban ren...
無序的用處 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025