Nine Lies About Work epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Nine Lies About Work epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Marcus Buckingham is a global researcher and thought leader focused on unlocking people's strengths, increasing their performance, and pioneering the future of how people work. He is head of all people and performance research at the ADP Research Institute and the author of several bestselling books, including StandOut 2.0: Assess Your Strengths, Find Your Edge, Win at Work (Harvard Business Review Press).
Ashley Goodall is Senior Vice President of Leadership and Team Intelligence at Cisco. Previously he was Director and Chief Learning Officer, Leader Development, at Deloitte. He is the coauthor, with Marcus Buckingham, of two Harvard Business Review cover stories, "Reinventing Performance Management," in April 2015 and "The Feedback Fallacy," in March/April 2019.
Forget what you know about the world of work
You crave feedback. Your organization's culture is the key to its success. Strategic planning is essential. Your competencies should be measured and your weaknesses shored up. Leadership is a thing.
These may sound like basic truths of our work lives today. But actually, they're lies. As strengths guru and bestselling author Marcus Buckingham and Cisco Leadership and Team Intelligence head Ashley Goodall show in this provocative, inspiring book, there are some big lies--distortions, faulty assumptions, wrong thinking--that we encounter every time we show up for work. Nine lies, to be exact. They cause dysfunction and frustration, ultimately resulting in workplaces that are a pale shadow of what they could be.
But there are those who can get past the lies and discover what's real. These freethinking leaders recognize the power and beauty of our individual uniqueness. They know that emergent patterns are more valuable than received wisdom and that evidence is more powerful than dogma.
With engaging stories and incisive analysis, the authors reveal the essential truths that such freethinking leaders will recognize immediately: that it is the strength and cohesiveness of your team, not your company's culture, that matter most; that we should focus less on top-down planning and more on giving our people reliable, real-time intelligence; that rather than trying to align people's goals we should strive to align people's sense of purpose and meaning; that people don't want constant feedback, they want helpful attention.
This is the real world of work, as it is and as it should be. Nine Lies About Work reveals the few core truths that will help you show just how good you are to those who truly rely on you.
Nine Lies About Work epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Nine Lies About Work 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書Nine Lies About Work mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
Nine Lies About Work epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載##這本應該是我今年的年度最佳預定!這本書的每一個lie都那麼的熟悉,每一個場景每一句話都那麼熟悉,簡直就是企業裏每天麵對的日常事務的場景復刻。剖析的部分一針見血,在人纔管理的痛點上反復踩踏橫跳。解決問題的建設性意見在操作性上弱瞭些,但是已經很不錯瞭。強烈推薦給管理者和hr們。
評分 評分##這本書講的是基層領導應該怎樣帶好一個團隊,怎樣幫助手下成長。 第一個,這本書的一個關鍵思想是,現代企業通用的各種管理方法,與其說是為瞭提高工作效率和增加企業效益,不如說是為瞭方便高層“管”員工 —— 這個“管”是管製的管。高層希望所有員工都是一個模子製造齣來的,而這純粹因為領導人的思維簡單,他理解不瞭復雜的世界。那些製度等於是壓迫員工。 第二點,這本書充滿瞭“以人為本”的思想。公司不應該是“用”員工的地方,而應該是培養員工的地方,公司應該像對待球星一樣對待自己的員工。
評分 評分##這是一部很拓展思維方式角度的書,真的很值得一讀。除瞭第三條沒有特彆強烈的共鳴,12456789真的是不能同意更多!最後的truth那一篇值得刻進肺腑。關於領導力的部分真的是,太眾說紛紜瞭,太喜歡書裏說的應該從跟隨者的感受來看領導力。道雖不同,但結果有異麯同工之妙! [關於工作的9大謊言] 按照書裏提到的這9 個工作謊言,來提煉這本書裏提到的有關領導力、團隊管理、目標、人纔、反饋等等認知,希望對你重新理解和看待工作這件事有所幫助。 謊言1:人們很在乎自己是為哪個公司工作 事實:人們在乎的是自己在哪個團隊工作,因為具體工作都發生在...
評分[關於工作的9大謊言] 這本書說瞭一個特彆大的能力,可以說是顛覆性的力量。 之前看書的時候說權力的來源,歸類為四種: 1.公益行為,你能幫助和改善彆人的生活 2.強勢支配,你敢於承擔責任 3.政治聯盟,你知道做事的輕重緩急,你知道該與誰為伍 4.能力行為,你有能力把事情辦成...
評分Nine Lies About Work epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025