美国语文读本1 美国语文读本 全套六本 英汉双语图文版 塑造美国的88本书 中国青年出版社 3220 epub pdf  mobi txt 电子书 下载

美国语文读本1 美国语文读本 全套六本 英汉双语图文版 塑造美国的88本书 中国青年出版社 3220 epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024

美国语文读本1 美国语文读本 全套六本 英汉双语图文版 塑造美国的88本书 中国青年出版社 3220 epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024




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店铺: 浮光掠影图书专营店
出版社: 中国青年出版社
丛书名: 美国语文读本1

美国语文读本1 美国语文读本 全套六本 英汉双语图文版 塑造美国的88本书 中国青年出版社 3220 epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024

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书  名 美国语文读本【全套六本】 英汉双语图文版 塑造美国的88本书 中国青年 3220g 作者/主编 威廉·H·麦加菲 出版社 中国青年出版社 ISBN 9787515314624 开  本 16开 字  数 千 版次/印次 2013年6月第1版 2013年6月第*次印刷(版次与印次变动较快,会有出入,特此声明) 定  价 252.70元 一口价 190.00元 备  注 大视野图书专营店所售图书均为全新,承诺假一赔十。    1.美国国会图书馆遴选出一份“塑造美国的88本书”书单,列举了由美国作家所著、对美国社会*具影响力的88部书籍,体现出的是一个“美国精神”的形成过程,对于**民族的认同具有非凡意义,并且不会因为时代变迁而被替代;《美国语文读本》位列其一,足见它经久不衰的魅力与非凡的影响力。
    4.出版过程中,作为编辑,我们也都被这套堪称“*纯正的美语教材与*纯粹的美德读本”所深深吸引。编辑过程中,“纯粹”,“精彩”等等不断蹦出脑海,我们恨不能马上就将它双手呈给父母们,老师们,孩子们,希望与你们分享这寓教于乐的经典读本。 《美国语文读本 四》
 LESSON 1 Perseverance ● 坚持不懈
 LESSON 2 Try, Try Again ● 试一次,再试一次
 LESSON 3 Why the Sea Is Salt ● 海水为什么是咸的
 LESSON 4 Why the Sea Is Salt ● 海水为什么是咸的(结束篇)
 LESSON 5 Popping Corn ● 爆米花
 LESSON 6 Smiles ● 微笑
 LESSON 7 Lazy Ned ● 懒人奈德
 LESSON 8 The Monkey ● 猴子
 LESSON 9 Meddlesome Matty ● 爱捣乱的玛蒂
 LESSON 10 The Good Son ● 好儿子
 LESSON 11 To-morrow ● 明天
 LESSON 12 Where there is a Will there is a Way ● 有志者事竟成
 LESSON 13 Piccola ● 皮克拉
 LESSON 14 True Manliness ● 真正的男子气概
 LESSON 15 True Manliness ● 真正的男子气概(结束篇)
 LESSON 16 The Brown Thrush ● 棕色画眉鸟
 LESSON 17 A Ship in a Storm ● 暴风雨中的船
 LESSON 18 The Sailor’s Consolation ● 水手的慰藉
 LESSON 19 Two Ways of Telling a Story ● 讲述故事的两种方式
 LESSON 20 Freaks of the Frost ● 霜之奇想
 LESSON 21 Waste not, Want not ● 不浪费,不愁缺
 LESSON 22 Jeannette and Jo ● 珍妮特和乔
 LESSON 23 The Lion ● 狮子
 LESSON 24 Strawberries ● 草莓
 LESSON 25 Harry’s Riches ● 哈利的财富
 LESSON 26 In Time’s Swing ● 在时间的秋千上
 LESSON 27 Harry and his Dog ● 哈利和他的狗
 LESSON 28 The Voice of the Grass ● 小草之歌
 LESSON 29 The Eagle ● 鹰
 LESSON 30 The Old Eagle Tree ● 老鹰树
 LESSON 31 Alpine Song ● 阿尔卑斯之歌
 LESSON 32 Circumstances alter Cases ● 情况不同,反应不同
 LESSON 33 The Noblest Revenge ● 高尚的报复
 LESSON 34 Evening Hymn ● 夜晚之歌
 LESSON 35 How Margery Wondered ● 玛杰丽有多好奇
 LESSON 36 The Child’s World ● 孩子的世界
 LESSON 37 Susie’s Composition ● 苏西的作文
 LESSON 38 The Summer Shower ● 夏天的雨
 LESSON 39 Consequences of Idleness ● 懒惰的后果
 LESSON 40 Advantages of Industry ● 勤奋的益处
 LESSON 41 The Fountain ● 清泉
 LESSON 42 Coffee ● 咖啡
 LESSON 43 The Winter King ● 冬天之王
 LESSON 44 The Nettle ● 荨麻
 LESSON 45 The Tempest ● 暴风雨
 LESSON 46 The Creator ● 造物主
 LESSON 47 The Horse ● 马
 LESSON 48 Emulation ● 竞争
 LESSON 49 The Sandpiper ● 矶鹞
 LESSON 50 The Right Way ● 正确的方法
 LESSON 51 The Golden Rule ● 黄金法则
 LESSON 52 The Snow Man ● 雪人
 LESSON 53 Robinson Crusoe’s House ● 鲁滨逊·克鲁索的住所
 LESSON 54 Robinson Crusoe’s Dress ● 鲁滨逊的衣服
 LESSON 55 Somebody’s Darling ● 谁的爱人沉睡在这里
 LESSON 56 Knowle is Power ● 知识就是力量
 LESSON 57 Good Will ● 善意
 LESSON 58 A Chinese Story ● 中国故事一则
 LESSON 59 The Way to be Happy ● 幸福之道
 LESSON 60 The Giraffe, or Camelopard ● 长颈鹿
 LESSON 61 The Lost Child ● 失踪的孩子
 LESSON 62 Which? ● 哪一个?
 LESSON 63 The Pet Fawn ● 宠物鹿
 LESSON 64 Annie’s Dream ● 安妮的梦
 LESSON 65 My Ghost ● 我遇见的鬼
 LESSON 66 The Elephant ● 大象
 LESSON 67 Dare to do Right ● 勇于做正确的事
 LESSON 68 Dare to do Right ● 勇于做正确的事(结束篇)
 LESSON 69 The Wreck of the Hesperus ● 赫斯珀洛斯号的残骸
 LESSON 70 Anecdotes of Birds ● 鸟类趣闻
 LESSON 71 The Rainbow Pilgrimage ● 寻找彩虹的旅程
 LESSON 72 The Old Oaken Bucket ● 旧橡木桶
 LESSON 73 The Sermon on the Mount ● 登山宝训
 LESSON 74 The Young Witness ● 小证人
 LESSON 75 King Solomon and the Ants ● 所罗门王和蚂蚁
 LESSON 76 Rivermouth Theater ● 河口剧院
 LESSON 77 Alfred the Great ● 阿尔弗雷德大帝
 LESSON 78 Living on a Farm ● 农场生活
 LESSON 79 Hugh Idle and Mr. Toil ● 休·艾德和特劳先生
 LESSON 80 Hugh Idle and Mr. Toil●休·艾德和特劳先生(结束篇)
 LESSON 81 Burning of Fallow ● 燃烧的土地
 LESSON 82 The Dying Soldiers ● 垂死的士兵
 LESSON 83 The Attack on Nymwegen ● 偷袭纳梅亨
 LESSON 84 The Seasons ● 四季
 LESSON 85 Brandywine Ford ● 布兰迪万河浅滩
 LESSON 86 Brandywine Ford ● 布兰迪万河浅滩(结束篇)
 LESSON 87 The Best Capital ● *好的资本
 LESSON 88 The Inchcape Rock ● 印奇开普暗礁
 LESSON 89 My Mother’s Grave ● 母的坟墓
 LESSON 90 A Mother’s Gift—The Bible●母的礼物——《圣经》
《美国语文读本 一》
《美国语文读本 二》
《美国语文读本 三》
《美国语文读本 五》
《美国语文读本 六》 《美国语文读本 四》
  1. One autumn night, when the wind was high,
  And the rain fell in heavy plashes,
  A little boy sat by the kitchen fire,
  A-popping corn in the ashes;
  And his sister, a curly-haired child of three,
  Sat looking on, just close to his knee.

  2. Pop! pop! and the kernels, one by one,
  Came out of the embers flying;
  The boy held a long pine stick in his hand,
  And kept it busily plying;
  He stirred the corn and it snapped the more,
  And faster jumped to the clean-swept floor.

  3. Part of the kernels flew one way,
  And a part hopped out the other;
  Some flew plump into the sister’s lap,
  Some under the stool of the brother;
  The little girl gathered them into a heap,
  And called them a flock of milk-white sheep.


  1. 秋日晚上,狂风不断,

  2. 爆!爆!玉米粒一个接一个爆开,

  3. 一些米粒蹦向一个方向,

  1.A little girl nine years of age was brought into court, andoffered as a witness against a prisoner who was on trial for acrime committed in her father’s house.
  2. “Now, Emily,” said the counsel for the prisoner, “I wish toknow if you understand the nature of an oath?”
  3.“I don’t know what you mean,” was the simple answer.
  4.“Your Honor,” said the counsel, addressing the judge, “it isevident that this witness should be rejected. She does notunderstand the nature of an oath.”
  5.“Let us see,” said the judge. “Come here, my daughter.”
  6.Assured by the kind tone and manner of the judge, the childstepped toward him, and looked confidingly in his face, with acalm, clear eye, and in a manner so artless and frank that it wentstraight to the heart.
  7.“Did you ever take an oath?” inquired the judge.
  8. The little girl stepped back with a look of horror; and thered blood rose and spread in a blush all over her face and neck, asshe answered, “No, sir.” She thought he intended to ask if she hadever used profane language.
  9.“I do not mean that,” said the judge, who saw her mistake; “Imean were you ever a witness?”
  10.“No, sir; I never was in court before,” was the answer.
  11.He handed her the Bible open. “Do you know that book, mydaughter?”
  12.She looked at it and answered, “Yes, sir; it is theBible.”
  13.“Do you ever read in it?” he asked.
  14.“Yes, sir; every evening.”
  15.“Can you tell me what the Bible is?” inquired the judge.
  16.“It is the word of the great God,” she answered.
  17.“Well,” said the judge, “place your hand upon this Bible, andlisten to what I say;” and he repeated slowly and solemnly thefollowing oath: “Do you swear that in the evidence which you shallgive in this case, you will tell the truth, and nothing but thetruth; and that you will ask God to help you?”
  18.“I do,” she replied.
  19.“Now,” said the judge, “you have been sworn as a witness; willyou tell me what will befall you if you do not tell thetruth?”
  20.“I shall be shut up in the state prison,” answered thechild.
  21.“Anything else?” asked the judge.
  22.“I shall never go to heaven,” she replied.
  23.“How do you know this?” asked the judge again.
  24.The child took the Bible, turned rapidly to the chaptercontaining the commandments, and, pointing to the one which reads,“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor,” said, “Ilearned that before I could read.”
  25.“Has anyone talked with you about being a witness in courthere against this man?” inquired the judge.
  26.“Yes, sir,” she replied, “my mother heard they wanted me to bea witness; and last night she called me to her room, and asked meto tell her the Ten Commandments; and then we kneeled downtogether, and she prayed that I might understand how wicked it wasto bear false witness against my neighbor, and that God would helpme, a little child, to tell the

美国语文读本1 美国语文读本 全套六本 英汉双语图文版 塑造美国的88本书 中国青年出版社 3220 epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024

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