Java平颱的專業指南,介紹瞭Java支持企業級開發和桌麵應用開發的強大特性。新版做瞭全麵更新,體現瞭Java SE 7的變化,並將對Java SE 7新特性的完整描述融入對Java基本概念的精闢闡述中。
《Java核心技術 捲II:高級特性(第9版 英文版)》是Java技術專業指南,全麵覆蓋Java技術的高級主題,包括輸入輸齣流、XML、網絡API、數據庫編程、高級Swing、Java 2D API、JavaBean構件、安全、分布式對象、腳本、編譯與注解處理等,同時涉及本地化、國際化以及Java SE 7的內容。《Java核心技術 捲II:高級特性(第9版 英文版)》對Java技術的闡述到位,敘述方式深入淺齣,並包含大量程序示例,讓讀者充分理解Java語言以及Java類庫的相關高級特性。《Java核心技術 捲II:高級特性(第9版 英文版)》適閤想將Java應用於實際項目的軟件開發人員、高等院校教師和學生參考閱讀。
Cay S. Horstmann 是Scala for the Impatient的作者,還與人閤著瞭Core JavaServer Faces。他是聖何塞州立大學計算機科學專業的教授,還是一名Java Champion,並經常在很多開發者大會上演講。 Gary Cornell 在編程方麵擁有20多年的寫作和教育經驗。他是Apress的創始人之一,編寫瞭很多與開發相關的暢銷書,是Jolt大奬的獲奬者之一,還榮獲過Visual Basic Magazine的讀者選擇奬。
Chapter 1: Streams and Files 1
1.1 Streams 2
1.1.1 Reading and Writing Bytes 2
1.1.2 The Complete Stream Zoo . 4
1.1.3 Combining Stream Filters . 9
1.2 Text Input and Output . 13
1.2.1 How to Write Text Output . 13
1.2.2 How to Read Text Input . 16
1.2.3 Saving Objects in Text Format . 16
1.2.4 Character Sets . 20
1.3 Reading and Writing Binary Data 25
1.3.1 Random-Access Files 28
1.4 ZIP Archives 33
1.5 Object Streams and Serialization 36
1.5.1 Understanding the Object Serialization File Format 42
1.5.2 Modifying the Default Serialization Mechanism 48
1.5.3 Serializing Singletons and Typesafe Enumerations . 50
1.5.4 Versioning . 52
1.5.5 Using Serialization for Cloning . 54
1.6 Working with Files 57
1.6.1 Paths 57
1.6.2 Reading and Writing Files 60
1.6.3 Copying, Moving, and Deleting Files . 61
1.6.4 Creating Files and Directories . 62
1.6.5 Getting File Information . 63
1.6.6 Iterating over the Files in a Directory . 64
1.6.7 ZIP File Systems . 67
1.7 Memory-Mapped Files . 68
1.7.1 The Buffer Data Structure . 77
1.7.2 File Locking 79
1.8 Regular Expressions 81
Chapter 2: XML . 93
2.1 Introducing XML . 94
2.1.1 The Structure of an XML Document . 96
2.2 Parsing an XML Document 99
2.3 Validating XML Documents 113
2.3.1 Document Type Definitions . 114
2.3.2 XML Schema . 122
2.3.3 A Practical Example 125
2.4 Locating Information with XPath . 140
2.5 Using Namespaces 147
2.6 Streaming Parsers 150
2.6.1 Using the SAX Parser 150
2.6.2 Using the StAX Parser . 156
2.7 Generating XML Documents . 159
2.7.1 Documents without Namespaces 159
2.7.2 Documents with Namespaces . 160
2.7.3 Writing Documents . 161
2.7.4 An Example: Generating an SVG File 161
2.7.5 Writing an XML Document with StAX 164
2.8 XSL Transformations 173
Chapter 3: Networking . 185
3.1 Connecting to a Server . 185
3.1.1 Socket Timeouts . 190
3.1.2 Internet Addresses . 192
3.2 Implementing Servers 194
3.2.1 Serving Multiple Clients . 197
3.2.2 Half-Close . 201
3.3 Interruptible Sockets . 202
3.4 Getting Web Data 210
3.4.1 URLs and URIs . 210
3.4.2 Using a URLConnection to Retrieve Information . 212
3.4.3 Posting Form Data . 222
3.5 Sending E-Mail 230
Chapter 4: Database Programming 235
4.1 The Design of JDBC 236
4.1.1 JDBC Driver Types 236
4.1.2 Typical Uses of JDBC 238
4.2 The Structured Query Language 239
4.3 JDBC Configuration 245
4.3.1 Database URLs . 246
4.3.2 Driver JAR Files . 246
4.3.3 Starting the Database 247
4.3.4 Registering the Driver Class 248
4.3.5 Connecting to the Database . 249
4.4 Executing SQL Statements . 252
4.4.1 Managing Connections, Statements, and Result Sets . 255
4.4.2 Analyzing SQL Exceptions . 256
4.4.3 Populating a Database 258
4.5 Query Execution 262
4.5.1 Prepared Statements . 263
4.5.2 Reading and Writing LOBs 269
4.5.3 SQL Escapes . 271
4.5.4 Multiple Results . 272
4.5.5 Retrieving Autogenerated Keys 273
4.6 Scrollable and Updatable Result Sets . 274
4.6.1 Scrollable Result Sets . 274
4.6.2 Updatable Result Sets . 277
4.7 Row Sets . 281
4.7.1 Constructing Row Sets 282
4.7.2 Cached Row Sets 282
4.8 Metadata . 286
4.9 Transactions . 296
4.9.1 Save Points 297
4.9.2 Batch Updates 298
4.9.3 Advanced SQL Types . 300
4.10 Connection Management in Web and Enterprise Applications . 302
Chapter 5: Internationalization 305
5.1 Locales . 306
5.2 Number Formats . 311
5.2.1 Currencies . 318
5.3 Date and Time 319
5.4 Collation . 328
5.4.1 Collation Strength 329
5.4.2 Decomposition . 329
5.5 Message Formatting 336
5.5.1 Choice Formats 338
5.6 Text Files and Character Sets . 340
5.6.1 Character Encoding of Source Files 340
5.7 Resource Bundles 341
5.7.1 Locating Resource Bundles 342
5.7.2 Property Files . 343
5.7.3 Bundle Classes . 344
5.8 A Complete Example 346
Chapter 6: Advanced Swing363
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Java核心技術 捲II:高級特性(第9版 英文版)(套裝上下冊) 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書