大病之後纔明白:何裕民透過癌癥悟人生健身與保健 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
大病之後纔明白:何裕民透過癌癥悟人生健身與保健 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
圖書基本信息 | |||
圖書名稱 | 工業生物技術專業英語 | 作者 | 許贛榮 |
定價 | 29.00元 | 齣版社 | 中國輕工業齣版社 |
ISBN | 9787501968541 | 齣版日期 | 2009-04-01 |
字數 | 頁碼 | 215 | |
版次 | 1 | 裝幀 | 平裝 |
開本 | 16開 | 商品重量 | 0.341Kg |
內容簡介 | |
《工業生物技術專業英語》共16課,每課有正文(A、B兩篇獨立的課文),閱讀材料(兩篇),補充資料和練習四大部分。後還安排瞭附錄,收錄瞭英漢微生物名稱、國際上有關生物技術的期刊名稱。在課文內容上,主要選擇瞭有關生物技術(偏重於發酵工程)的內容,包括以下專題:無機化學,有機化學,分析化學,生物化學(糖、蛋白質、核酸),微生物學(菌種、操作方法),分子遺傳學,代謝,酒(啤酒、葡萄酒、威士忌),生物能源,動植物細胞培養,乾細胞培養,抗生素,藥品的臨床評價等藥學內容,環境生物技術,發酵動力學,生化反應器(液態及固態發酵罐),分離純化等下遊技術,化學分析方法,論文(摘要、前言、材料與方法)。在後,還安排瞭英語論文兩篇、。每篇課文均有補充資料,如補充的專業詞匯、構詞法、翻譯理論與技巧、CA縮略語精選、寫作句型句例。課文中的大多數專業詞匯還注有音標。 《工業生物技術專業英語》可作為工業生物技術專業(發酵工程或生物工程)高校及大專學生的專業英語教材,由於在內容上有所拓展,故也適應於發酵工廠或研究所的有關技術人員參考。 |
作者簡介 | |
目錄 | |
編輯推薦 | |
文摘 | |
A less mobut more sustainable method of waste disposal is anaerobic digestion. Ithis process waste deposes iaenclosed chamber, unlike ia landfill site. Digestiotakes place iaoxygen-freet environment. Bacteria thrive ithis environment by using the oxygethat is chemically bined withithe waste. They depose waste by breaking dowthe molecules to form gaseous by-products ( methane ) and small quantities of solid residue. Anaerobic sewage plants produce significant quantities of methane, which cabe burnt to generate electricity. Liquid and solid organic fertilisers are also formed, and cabe sold to cover operating costs. For several years, sewage sludge and agricultural waste has beetreated by anaerobic digestion, and the process is now being used for municipal solid waste. It requires the biodegradable sectioof the waste to be separated from other material and put into digestiochambers. Currently, the UK has only a small number of plants, and each cahandle only a few hundred tonnes of waste each year. However, the usage of anaerobic digestioas a sustainable waste disposal method is forecast to increase. Many other countries already utilise anaerobic digestioto dispose of large amounts of waste. Denmark for example, treats 1.1 milliotonnes of waste by anaerobic digestioevery year. As well as recycling waste, individuals caadopt more sustainable ways of disposing it. One way is to post any organic waste such as food and gardewaste. Organic waste breaks dowover a few weeks into a mulch which cabe used as a soil fertiliser. Individual households have practiced small-scale posting for many years, and the UK Government is now encouraging this oa wider scale. Large-scale posting schemes are also being developed, with the collectioof organic waste from parks and civic amenity sites. Gardeand food wastes are collected directly from households iseparate kerbside collections. Large central facilities cathepost the collected organic waste. These schemes are to help the UK meet its target of recycling and posting 33% of household waste by 2015. |
序言 | |
大病之後纔明白:何裕民透過癌癥悟人生健身與保健 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
大病之後纔明白:何裕民透過癌癥悟人生健身與保健 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書大病之後纔明白:何裕民透過癌癥悟人生健身與保健 mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
大病之後纔明白:何裕民透過癌癥悟人生健身與保健 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載評分
大病之後纔明白:何裕民透過癌癥悟人生健身與保健 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025