《神经科学百科全书·脑的智能活动(10)(导读版)》主编为著名神经科学家、美国神经科学学会前主席Larry R.Squire,内容平易,本科生即可读懂,深度和广度足可满足专家学者的需要,导读版精选原书中的部分主题,按内容重新编排,更适合国内读者购买和阅读。
Animal Communication:Honesty and Deception
Decision-Making and Neuroeconomics
Decision-Making and Vision
Decision-Making in Financial Markets
Delayed Reinforcement:Economics
Delayed Reinforcement:Neuroscience
Game Theory and the Economics of Animal Communication
Games in Monkeys:Neurophysiology and Motor Decision-Making
Neuroethological Perspective
Reasoning and Problem Solving:Models
Reward Decision-Making
Social Cognition
Social Interaction
Anmesia:Declarative and Nondeclarative Memory
Animal Models of Amnesia
Attention and Eye Movements
Attentional Functions in Learning and Memory
Attentional Mechanisms in Ventral Pathway
Attentional Networks
Attentional Networks in the Parietal Cortex
Brain-Computer Interface
Cognition:An Overview of Neuroimaging Techniques
Cognition:Basal Ganglia Role
Cognition:Cerebellum Role
Cognitive Control and Development
Cognitive Neuroscience:An Overview
Emotion and Vigilance
Emotional Influences on Memory and Attention
Executive Function and Higher-Order Cognition:Assessment in Animals
Executive Function and Higher-Order Cognition:Computational Models
Executive Function and Higher-Order Cognition:Definition and Neural Substrates
Executive Function and Higher-Order Cognition:EEG Studies
Executive Function and Higher-Order Cognition:Neuroimaging
Executive Functions:Eye Movements and Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Frontal Lobe Syndrome
Functional Amnesia
Hemispheric Specialization and Cognition
Human Methods:Psychophysics
Inhibitory Control over Action and Memory
Neglect Syndrome and the Spatial Attention Network
Neural Coding of Spatial Representations
Neuropsychological Testing
Parietal Cortex and Spatial Attention
Perception and Eye Movements
Prefrontal Cortex
Prefrontal Cortex:Structure and Anatomy
Psychophysics of Attention
Referentiality and Concepts in Animal Cognition
Sleep Deprivation and Brain Function
Social Interaction Effects on Reward and Cognitive Abilities in Monkeys
Spatial Cognition
Spatial Cognition and Executive Function
Spatial Cognitive Maps
Spatial Orientation:Our Whole-Body Motion and Orientation Sense
Strategic Control of Memory
Task Switching
Vestibular Influences on Cognition
Vision:Mechanisms of Orientation,Direction and Depth
Visual Attention
Working Memory:Capacity Limitations
Brain Asymmetry :Evolution
Dichotic Listening Studies of Brain Asymmetry
Hemispheric Specialization and Cognition
Split-Brain Patients
Animal Intelligence:The Search for Animal Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Numerical Intelligence:Neural Substrates
Central Pattern Generators
Central Pattern Generators:Sensory Feedback
Gap Junctions and Neuronal Oscillations
Information Coding
Neural Oscillators and Dynamical Systems Models
Neuronal Pacemaking
Pulsatility in Neuroendocrine Systems
Sleep Oscillations
Sleep Oscillations and PGO Waves
Spiking Neuron Models
Swim Oscillator Networks
Despite the vocal criticism of mainstream elements inboth communities, these social and technologicaltrends led to a convergence of interest among agroup of economists, neuroscientists, and cognitivepsychologists in the late 1990s. This community ofscholars, who began to call themselves neuroeconomists around 2002 or 2003, aggregated around asmall set of meetings and papers during this period.Although the first explicitly neuroeconomic paperspreceded the first interdisciplinary workshops by several years, these meetings were probably the criticalstep that allowed these social and natural scientists todevelop a common language.
什么是百科全书?这一名词来自于两个希腊单词:enkuklios(意思是循环的)和paideia(意思是教育)。在16世纪早期,拉丁手稿的抄写者们将这两个单词合而为一,其在英语中演化为一个单词,意思是具有广泛指导意义的工具书(The American Heritage Dictionary,2000,Boston:Houghton Mimin,p.589)。从其来源可见,其希腊文原词中蕴含着以探索、综合的方式努力获取知识的含义。无论是拉丁文还是英文,该单词泛指涵盖广泛领域知识的工具书。
希腊文中强调的以创造性手段获取知识,在神经科学领域尤其适用。神经科学本身就是一个非常新的名词。Francis Schmitt在本书第一版的前言中指出,本书的编写过程就是将不同领域的科学家们聚集在一起,冲击大脑研究中最顽固的难题。他推动建立了神经科学研究项目(Neuroscience Research。Program,简称NRP)。早期的NRP成员包括一些学术巨匠,如因关于光合作用的研究获得诺贝尔奖的Melvin Calvin、诺贝尔奖获得者物理化学家Manfred Eigen、生物化学家Albert Lehninger,和当时正在努力破解基因编码的年轻分子生物学家MarshallNirenberg。
神经科学的爆炸性发展也体现在神经科学学会(Society for Neuroscience,SFN)的历史上。SFN于1970年(译者注:SFN网站中所写的时间为1969年)由几百名研究人员在华盛顿特区创立,首任会长是Vernon Mountcastle。而当我于1980年担任会长时,会员人数已经增长到7000人。我当时的一个主要任务是应对关于学会存在合理性的争论。有人认为“我们学会的科学家人数太多了。应当将其一分为二,如实验类的和理论类的”。与此相反,为了强调该领域的整体特点,我们推出了《神经科学杂志》(Journal of Neuroscience)。同时,我们认为学会的增长可能会最终进入平台期,精心的会议组织将可以避免会员个人“在会议的人潮中迷失”。现在看来,我当时关于平台期的预言偏离了实际。截至2007年5月,神经科学学会的会员人数已经超过了38000名,其中超过35000人参加每年的年会,这样的规模超过了其他任何生物医学类的学会。
神经科学百科全书10:脑的智能活动(导读版)(影印版) [Encyclopedia of Neuroscience:Intelligent Activities of the Brain] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
神经科学百科全书10:脑的智能活动(导读版)(影印版) [Encyclopedia of Neuroscience:Intelligent Activities of the Brain] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025
神经科学百科全书10:脑的智能活动(导读版)(影印版) [Encyclopedia of Neuroscience:Intelligent Activities of the Brain] mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
神经科学百科全书10:脑的智能活动(导读版)(影印版) [Encyclopedia of Neuroscience:Intelligent Activities of the Brain] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025