當代國外語言學與應用語言學文庫:怎樣教英語 [How to Teach English] epub pdf  mobi txt 電子書 下載

當代國外語言學與應用語言學文庫:怎樣教英語 [How to Teach English] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

當代國外語言學與應用語言學文庫:怎樣教英語 [How to Teach English] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

哈默(Jeremy Harmer) 著



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齣版社: 外語教學與研究齣版社
外文名稱:How to Teach English

當代國外語言學與應用語言學文庫:怎樣教英語 [How to Teach English] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

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An introduction to the practice of English language teaching How to Teach English is for teachers at an early stage in their careers and for teachers preparing for examinations such as The Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults or The Certificate in TESOL. This book gives clear examples and explanations of current teaching practice which teachers can put into immediate use. How to Teach English offers: ideas on what makes a good teacher and what makes a good learner descriptions and examples of language teaching methods. and a new model of good leaching practice-the ESAmodel an essential introduction to grammar teaching sequences for grammar, vocabulary, and the individual language skills ideas on the exploitation of textbooks and the planning of lessons a What if? review of common problems in the classroom a Task File of photocopiable training tasks appendices on equipment, further reading and phonetic symbols.


哈默,Jeremy Harmer is the author of the highly acclaimed and ever popular The Practice of English Language Teaching.



Preface by Halliday
1 How to be a good teacher
What makes a good teacher?
How should teachers talk to stueents?
How should teachers give instructions
Who should talk in class?
What are the best kinds of lesson?
How important is it to follow a pre-arranged plan?
Looking ahead

2 How to be a good learner
Why is it difficult to describe a good learner?
How imprrtant is the studentsmotivation?
Who is responsible for learning?
What is reponsible for learning?
Whats special about teaching adults?
How shoule we teach the sifferent levels?
Looking ahead

3 How to manage teaching and learnign
How should teachers use their physical presence in class?
How Should teachers use their voices in class?
How SHould teachers mark the stages of a lesson?
What different student groupings can teachers use?
How can teachers evaluate the success or failure of their Lessons?
Looking ahead

4 How to describe learnincl and teaching
What do we know about language learning?
What elements are necessary for successful language learning in classrooms?
How do the three elements orES,4 fit together in lesson sequences?
What teaching models have influenced current teaching practice?
Looking ahead

5 How to describe languaoe
What does this chapter do?
Sentence constructions
Parts of speech
Noun types
Verb types
Verb forms
Conjunctions and conditionals
Forms and meanings
Language functions
Words together: collocation
Speaking and writing
Looking ahead

6 How to teach language
What does language study consist of?.
How should we expose students to language?
How can we help students to understand meaning?
How can we help students to understand language form?
How should students practise language?
Why do students make mistakes?
How should teachers correct students?
Where do language study activities fit in teaching sequences?
Looking ahead

7 How to teach reading
Why teach reading?
What kind of reading should students do?
What reading skills should students acquire?
What are the principles behind the teaching of reading?
What do reading sequences look like?
More reading suggestions
Looking ahead

8 How to teach writing
Why teach writing?
What kind of writing should students do?
What do writing sequences look like?
How should teachers correct writing?
What can be done about handwriting?
How does writing fit into ESe/?.
More writing suggestions
Looking ahead

9 How to teach speaking
What kind of speaking should students do?
Why encourage students to do speaking tasks?
What do speaking activities look like?
How should teachers correct speaking?
What else should teachers do during a speaking activity?
How do speaking activities fit into ESA?
More soeaking suestions
Looking ahead

10 How to teach listening
Why teach listening?
What kind of listening should students do?
Whats special about listening?
What are the principles behind the teaching of listening?
What do listening sequences look like?
Where does video fit in?
More listening suggestions
Looking ahead

11 How to use textbooks
What age the different options for textbook use?
What do adding,adapting and replacing look like?
So why use textbooks at all?
HOW should teachers choose textbooks?
Looking ahead

12 How to plan lessons
Whyplan at all?
What age the aims of a plan?
What should be in a plan?
What questions do we need to ask?
What form should a plan take}
HOW should teachers plan a sequence of lessons?
Looking ahead

13 Whatif7
What if students arc all at different levels?
What if the class iS very big?
What if students keep using their own language?
What if students age uncooperative?
What if students dont want tO talk?
What if students dont understand the listening tape?
What if some students.in—groups finish before everybody else?
Task File


Beginners: success is easy to see at this level, and easy for the teacher toarrange. But then so is failure! Some adult beginners find that languagelearning is more stressful than they expected and reluctantly give up.However, if things are going well, teaching beginners can be incrediblystimulating - and great fun. It may be restricting for the teacher, but thepleasure of being able to see your part in your students success isinvigorating.Intermediate students: success is not so easy to perceive here.Intermediate students have already achieved a lot. Gone are the days whenthey could observe their progress almost daily. Sometimes, it may seem tothem, they dont improve that much or that fast anymore. We often callthis the plateau effect, and the teacher has to make strenuous attempts toshow students what they still need to learn without being discouraging.One of the ways of doing this is to make the tasks we give them morechallenging and to get them to analyse language more thoroughly. Weneed to help them to set clear goals for themselves so that they havesomething to measure their achievement by.Advanced students: they already know a lot of English. There is still thedanger of the plateau effect (even if the plateau itself is higher up) so wehave to create a classroom culture where learning is not seen as learning alanguage httle-bit-by-little-bit. At the advanced level, we need to be ableto show students what still has to be done and we need to provide goodclear evidence of progress. We can do this through a concentration not somuch on grammatical accuracy, but on style and perceptions ofappropriacy, connotation and inference, helping students to use languagewith more subtlety. It is at this level, especially, that we have to encouragestudents to take more and more responsibility for their own learning.Although many activities can clearly be used at more than one level(designing newspaper front pages, writing radio commercials etc.), thereare some which are obviously more appropriate for beginners, for example,pronunciation practice of/o/, simple introduction dialogues, while thereare others which are more appropriate for advanced students, such asdiscursive essay writing or formal debating. One obvious difference in the way we teach different levels is language.Beginners need to be exposed to fairly simple language which they canunderstand. In their language work, they may get pleasure (and goodlearning) from concentrating on straightforward questions like Whatsyour name?, Whats your telephone number?, Hello, Goodbye etc.Intermediate students know all this language already and so we will notask them to concentrate on it. The level of language also affects the teachers behaviour. At beginnerlevels, the need for us to rough-tune our speech is very great: we canexaggerate our voice tone and gesture to help us to get our meaning across.But at higher levels, such extreme behaviour is not so important. Indeed,it will probably come across to the students as patronising.



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