Axure RP 6 Prototyping Essentials epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Axure RP 6 Prototyping Essentials epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Ezra Schwartz
Ezra Schwartz is an information and user experience architect, who specializes in logistics of complex user interface frameworks. He focuses on device and locale agnostic global enterprise applications, team collaboration strategies, UX requirements traceability and specification documentation for phased, multi-release projects.
Ezra helps clients to integrate successfully rapid UX prototyping, validation and testing with their development culture. He assists clients with adoption of user-centered-design methodologies, compliance and best practices. He has lead mission-critical user experience projects in the finance, aviation, healthcare, mobile, publishing, media research, manufacturing, academic research and software development industries. Ezra also provides his services pro-bono to select non-for-profit organizations.
Ezra is the founder and organizer of, a free community-driven international conference, dedicated to rapid UX prototyping. He talks regularly about user experience topics at conferences and on his blog
Axure RP 6 Prototyping Essentials is a detailed, practical primer on the leading rapid prototyping tool. Short on jargon and high on concepts, real-life scenarios and step-by-step guidance through hands-on examples, this book will show you how to integrate Axure into your UX workflow. This book is written for UX practitioners, business analysts, product managers, and anyone else who is involved in UX projects. The book assumes that you have no or very little familiarity with Axure. It will help you if you are evaluating the tool for an upcoming project or are required to quickly get up to speed in a project you just joined. The book assumes some familiarity with the principles of the User Centred Design methodology.
Axure RP 6 Prototyping Essentials epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Axure RP 6 Prototyping Essentials 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書Axure RP 6 Prototyping Essentials mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
Axure RP 6 Prototyping Essentials epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載就一句話, 書好不在字數多,你大爺! 我去,太短瞭還不讓發錶瞭。。。隻能繼續開罵 什麼破翻譯啊 什麼破軟件啊。外國人用的,你就不能自己上圖瞭麼? 七印部落懶逼啊!彆說版權破解問題,其他書都行就你不行!你到底行不行?
評分 評分還是直接看官網的教程簡明
評分##額。。。其實我讀過中文翻譯的。。。ps居然是第一個評論? 當我們心中正在孕育一個交互概念時,通常心中會異常興奮,越想越閤理,認為自己真是天纔異稟,喜不自勝。很不幸的,當我們要開始麵對現實的時候,常常會麵對缺東補西的窘境,因為坐在我們項上腦子的思考模式是無法同時做全麵放射性的在細節分支上做評估。特彆是初進一個新的 id...
評分就一句話, 書好不在字數多,你大爺! 我去,太短瞭還不讓發錶瞭。。。隻能繼續開罵 什麼破翻譯啊 什麼破軟件啊。外國人用的,你就不能自己上圖瞭麼? 七印部落懶逼啊!彆說版權破解問題,其他書都行就你不行!你到底行不行?
評分 評分##作為一枚0歲的産品經理,身邊備這樣一本書,是很有必要的。這本書除瞭介紹瞭Axure這個軟件,更介紹瞭整個團隊的分工與協同工作關係。 對於從來沒有用過Axure的人來說,隻要有一定的辦公室軟件使用基礎,大緻也就能明白這款軟件的使用方式。如果會用一些PS的軟件,在打開的時候...
評分##一直沒人來寫書評,那我來簡單評價一下這本書吧。好像是第一次寫書評,寫的不好大傢勿拍:) Axure,不是製作原型唯一而必須的工具。但是,是很好用的一個工具。它的一個重要的優點在於高效,讓不擅長程序的人可以快速實現頁麵交互效果,從而隻需要專注於交互邏輯本身。正因為如...
Axure RP 6 Prototyping Essentials epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025