Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday No.6 吉姆的生日 [平装] [6-9岁] epub pdf  mobi txt 电子书 下载

Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday No.6 吉姆的生日 [平装] [6-9岁] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025

Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday No.6 吉姆的生日 [平装] [6-9岁] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025

Barbara Park(巴巴拉·帕克) 著,Denise Brunkus(丹妮丝·布朗克斯) 绘



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出版社: Random House
丛书名: A Stepping Stone Book(TM)

Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday No.6 吉姆的生日 [平装] [6-9岁] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025

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Guess who's not invited?

That meanie Jim has invited everyone in Room Nine to his birthday party on Saturday -- except Junie B.! Should she have her own birthday party six months early and not invite Jim? Or should she move to It's a Small World After All in Disneyland?


Barbara Park is one of today's funniest, most popular writers for middle grade readers. Her novels, which include Skinnybones, Mick Harte was Here, Maxie, Rosie, and Earl-Partners in Grime, Rosie Swanson: Fourth-Grade Geek for President, and The Graduation of Jake Moon have won just about every award given by children. She is also the author of the hilarious and bestselling Junie B. Jones chapter books. Recent books about Junie include Junie B., First Grader (at last!) and Junie B., First Grader: Boss of Lunch.

Ms. Park earned a B.S. degree in education at the University of Alabama. She lives in Arizona with her husband and has two grown sons.


"Park is truly a funny writer. Although Junie B. is a kindergartner, she's sure to make middle graders laugh out loud."
——School Library Journal


Chapter 2: Tapping on That Jim's Head

After the party, me and my other bestest friend rode home on the bus.

Her name is Grace.

Me and that Grace take turns sitting next to the window.

That is good sports of us, I think.

Except for sometimes we forget whose turn it is.

Then we have to settle it with our fists.

This time, it was that Grace's turn to sit next to the window.

"Guess what? I don't even care if you sit there today," I told her. "'Cause eating all that cake made me in a happy mood."

That Grace smiled.

"Me, too," she said. "Eating that cake made me in a happy mood, too."

"Yeah, only you can't be as happy as me," I explained. "'Cause I had two cakes. And you just had one."

That Grace did a frown.

"That's okay, Grace. Don't be upset," I said. "'Cause when I have my birthday, I will invite you to my house. And you can have two cakes, too."

"Oh boy!" she said.

"I know it is oh boy," I said back. "Plus also you will get your very own paper cup with M&M;'s in it."

"Ooo! Yum! I love M&M;'s," said that Grace.

"Me too. I love M&M;'s, too," I said. "On account of the chocolate doesn't melt on your hands. Just the colors melt on your hands and that's all."

I smiled real big.
""And here's another good thing, Grace. When you come to my party, you will get your very own party hat. And we will play Twister. Plus also we play that game where you shout Bingo. Only I keep on forgetting the name of that one."

Just then, a meanie boy named Jim jumped up from his seat.

"BINGO, stupid!" he shouted. "Its name is BINGO! What a MORON! Who would even want to come to a stupid party like yours?"

He made his voice real loud. So everybody could hear.

"At my house I have cool birthday parties. Like last year my party was named Clowning Around. And we had two clowns from the circus. And they made balloon animals and did magic tricks."

I leaned way close to his face.

"So?" I said. "I don't even like clowns. Clowns are not normal people. Plus my very own Grampa Frank Miller can make balloon animals, too. Except for they all look like wiener dogs. Only he's working on it."

That Jim wasn't even listening to me. He just kept on talking about his parties.

"This year my party is named Old MacDonald's Farm. And a real farmer is bringing a petting zoo right to my front yard. And he's going to bring a lamb, and a goat, and a burro, and some rabbits! And he's also bringing a real live pony for us to ride."

I put my hands on my waist.

"Yeah, well too bad for you," I said. "'Cause I saw all about ponies on TV. And ponies buck you off their backs. And then they stomple you into the ground and kill you to death. And so I wouldn't even come to your stupid dumb party in a jillion billion years."

"Good!" hollered that Jim. "I'm glad! 'Cause my birthday is this coming Saturday! And tomorrow I'm bringing invitations to every single person in Room Nine! Only not to you! You're the only one in the whole class I'm not bringing an invitation to! So there!"

Then he did a big HAH! right in my face.

And he sat back down in his seat.

Meanwhile, I just kept on standing and standing there.

'Cause something had gone a little bit wrong here, I think.

I tapped on his head.

"Yeah, only here's the thing," I said. "I didn't actually know you were having a party on Saturday. And so, good news...I think I can make it."

"No!" shouted that meanie boy. "You're not coming! Now go away!"

I tapped on him again.

"Yeah, only I was just kidding about the ponies," I said. "They hardly even stomple you probably."

"I don't care! Stop bothering me!" he shouted.

I stood on my tippy-toes and looked at his head.

"Love your hair today," I said.

That Jim swatted at me.

"Get away from me!" he hollered. "You're not coming to my party! And that's final!"

Just then a big lump came in my throat.

A big lump is what comes before crying.

It hurt to swallow.

I sat down and hided my face in my sweater.

"Darn it," I said. "'Cause I think I really would have enjoyed myself at that thing."

Then my bestest friend named Grace put her arm around me.

And she patted me real gentle.

And she let me sit next to the window.

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Junie b jones是美国作家Barbara Park笔下的一个小女孩形象,这个小姑娘淘气捣蛋,诡计多端,经常搞得大人头痛。作者用诙谐幽默的笔触将幼儿园的生活完美地展现在读者面前,每本书都讲述了朱尼•琼斯令人莞尔的遭遇,以及她发挥机智解决麻烦的过程,颇有吾家有女初长成的意味。其实如果经常阅读国外的原版图书就会发现,很多欧美国家的作者,很喜欢把淘气包作为故事的主人公。因为一般来说淘气包都比较有想象力和创造力,经常会有很多鬼点子,所以故事也能设计得跌宕起伏,吸引我们的小读者。同时淘气包因为精力旺盛,经常惹麻烦,这也让很多小朋友能够在阅读的时候能够产生共鸣。试想,我们身边的小朋友,哪个不都是这样的呢?有点好动,有点任性,对世界充满了好奇和一知半解,总是让我们这些当家长的提心吊胆又无可奈何。Junie b jones这些经历,很多我们的小朋友都经历过,但有些因为国情差异,我们的孩子从来没有碰过。而通过阅读,也可以让我们从侧面了解美国的幼儿园和小学的教育情况,给孩子打开另外一个世界的大门。最难得的是,junie b jones的故事都可以找到相应的有声书。应该说,这个有声书读的真的太棒了,娇滴滴的小女生的声音,语言语调特别棒,小朋友如果能够多听,能模仿到一口好美音。作者在书写设计上也下了一番考量,为了模仿一个六岁小姑娘的口吻,作者故意用了很多儿童语言,而且还故意第写错一些句子和语法。比如best friend故意写成bestist friend。文章幽默风趣,让我们能够从孩童的视觉来看世界。想到这里,就真的很佩服这些童书作家,如果自己不能保持一颗童心,怎么能够写出这么贴合儿童的文学作品来!这个故事是讲junie b jones 终于可以在别人家过夜了。Junie b jones的好朋友lucille家里很有钱,这次她邀请junie到她家去做客,还可以睡一晚。这可把junie乐坏了,不但可以在朋友家睡觉,而且还有机会看看真正有钱人的家是怎么样的。所以junie一下就疯狂了。她兴奋地大喊大叫,差点把她的小弟弟都给吵醒了,这毋庸置疑招来了妈妈的批评。好在junie知错能改,赶紧跑去做爸爸的思想工作,拼命地保证我一定会好好表现的。终于,爸爸妈妈同意junie到lucille家sleepover。但是真的到了lucille的家里,发现原来有钱人的孩子也不是那么容易当的。Junie想在床上蹦,但lucille不同意,因为她从来不被允许在床上蹦,所以别的小朋友也不行啊。其实小朋友对sleepover都是超级兴奋的,因为不但可以离开爸爸妈妈,还可以到朋友家过夜做客,多让人兴奋啊。我们家长也可以通过这样的机会,一是锻炼孩子的独立能力,让她能够在没有父母的帮助下独立做好自己的生活自理;二来也可以就此引导小孩子的文明礼仪,学会当一个文明的访者。





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