A stunning young adult novel by Rodman Philbrick that tells the heartwrenching story of two 3special ed2 boys who pair up to form a unique and empowering friendship. Two boys?a slow learner stuck in the body of a teenage giant and a tiny Einstein in leg braces?forge a unique friendship when they pair up to create one formidable human force. Made into the film, The Mighty.
Rodman Philbrick is an outstanding author who has won the prestigious American Library Association Best Book for Young Adults and Quick Pick Awards. Freak the Mighty has been made into a Hollywood film.
Maxwell Kane, a lumbering eighth grader who describes himself as a "butthead goon," has lived with grandparents Grim and Gram ever since his father was imprisoned for murdering his mother. Mean-spirited schoolmates and special ed (for an undetermined learning disability) haven't improved his self-image, so he is totally unprepared for a friendship with Kevin, aka Freak, a veritable genius with a serious birth defect that's left him in braces and using crutches. Max is uplifted by Freak's imagination and booming confidence, while Freak gets a literal boost--hoisted onto Max's shoulders, he shares Max's mobility. Together they become Freak the Mighty, an invincible duo. Philbrick's first YA novel, already implausible, becomes choked with cliches and stereotypes as Max and Freak mix with B-movie lowlifes, a newly paroled Killer Kane kidnaps his son and Freak himself meets a cloyingly articulated fate. Contrived and unappetizing. Ages 10-14.
--Publishers Weekly
Grade 6-9-A wonderful story of triumph over imperfection, shame, and loss. Large, awkward, learning-disabled Maxwell Kane, whose father is in prison for murdering his mother, and crippled, undersized Kevin are both mocked by their peers; the cruel taunting they endure is all too realistic and believable. The boys establish a friendship-and a partnership. Kevin defends them with his intelligence, while Max is his friend's "legs," affording him a chance to participate in the larger world. Inspired by tales of King Arthur, they become knights fighting for good and true causes. But Kevin's illness progresses, and when he dies, Max is left with the memories of an extraordinary relationship and, perhaps, the insight to think positively about himself and his future. The author writes with empathy, honoring the possibilities of even peripheral characters; Kevin and Max are memorable and luminous. Many YA novels deal with the effects of a friend dying, but this one is somewhat different and very special.
--School Library Journal
Freak the Mighty瘋狂怪人 英文原版 [平裝] [9歲及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
Freak the Mighty瘋狂怪人 英文原版 [平裝] [9歲及以上] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書
這質量一般啊 湊閤看吧
[ZZ]寫的的書都寫得很好,[sm]還是朋友推薦我看的,後來就非非常喜歡,他的書瞭。除瞭他的書,我和我傢小孩還喜歡看鄭淵潔、楊紅櫻、黃曉陽、小橋老樹、王永傑、楊其鐸、曉玲叮當、方洲,他們的書我覺得都寫得很好。[SM],很值得看,價格也非常便宜,比實體店買便宜好多還省車費。 書的內容直得一讀[BJTJ],閱讀瞭一下,寫得很好,[NRJJ],內容也很豐富。[QY],一本書多讀幾次,[SZ]。 快遞送貨也很快。還送貨上樓。非常好。 [SM],超值。買書就來來京東商城。價格還比彆傢便宜,還免郵費不錯,速度還真是快而且都是正版書。[BJTJ],買迴來覺得還是非常值的。我喜歡看書,喜歡看各種各樣的書,看的很雜,文學名著,流行小說都看,隻要作者的文筆不是太差,總能讓我從頭到腳看完整本書。隻不過很多時候是當成故事來看,看完瞭感嘆一番也就丟下瞭。所在來這裏買書是非常明智的。然而,目前社會上還有許多人被一些價值不大的東西所束縛,卻自得其樂,還覺得很滿足。經過幾百年的探索和發展,人們對物質需求已不再迫切,但對於精神自由的需求卻無端被抹殺瞭。總之,我認為現代人最缺乏的就是一種開闊進取,尋找最大自由的精神。 中國人講“虛實相生,天人閤一”的思想,“於空寂處見流行,於流行處見空寂”,從而獲得對於“道”的體悟,“唯道集虛”。這在傳統的藝術中得到瞭充分的體現,因此中國古代的繪畫,提倡“留白”、“布白”,用空白來錶現豐富多彩的想象空間和廣博深廣的人生意味,體現瞭包納萬物、吞吐一切的胸襟和情懷。讓我得到瞭一種生活情趣和審美方式,伴著筆墨的清香,細細體味,那自由孤寂的靈魂,高尚清真的人格魅力,在尋求美的道路上指引著我,讓我拋棄浮躁的世俗,嚮美學叢林的深處邁進。閤上書,閉上眼,書的餘香猶存,而我腦海裏浮現的,是一個“皎皎明月,仙仙白雲,鴻雁高翔,綴葉如雨”的衝淡清幽境界。願我們身邊多一些主教般光明的使者,有更多人能加入到助人為樂、見義勇為的隊伍中來。社會需要這樣的人,世界需要這樣的人,隻有這樣我們纔能創造我們的生活,[NRJJ]希望下次還呢繼續購買這裏的書籍,這裏的書籍很好,非常的不錯,。給我帶來瞭不錯的現實享受。希望下次還呢繼續購買這裏的書籍,這裏的書籍很好,非常的不錯,。給我帶來瞭不錯的現實享受。