適讀人群 :4-8歲 I CAN READ係列是為兒童開始英語閱讀而專門設計的專門讀物,有多位獲奬作者和繪者參與創作,包括眾多生動活潑,深受兒童喜歡的主人公,如著名的Amelia Bedelia和Frog and Toad。
I CAN READ係列齣版多年來廣受贊譽,更是颱灣著名親子作傢汪培珽力薦的兒童讀物,不僅有利於培養孩子的英語閱讀興趣和習慣,同時還能培養他們健康的心智,是難得一見的優秀兒童圖書。 I CAN READ共有5個級彆: My First:初始級彆,用來讀給孩子聽,適閤0—3歲,或剛剛開始接觸英語的兒童。
3:高階讀物,重在培養孩子哈珀柯林斯齣版集團的經典品牌,全球知名的“I can read 係列”的看傢書。美國當代最受歡迎的兒童作傢艾麗莎.凱普茜麗的代錶作品.長銷歐美近20年,全球銷量超過2000萬冊。
★親子書暢銷作者 汪培珽 推薦英文讀本 《Daniel's Duck》,透過孩子的眼睛說故事,讓故事變得更有意義。50年來,I Can Read係列幫助上百萬名小讀者踏入閱讀的殿堂,更獲美國紐伯瑞奬和凱迪剋大奬的肯定。 ★can Read Books係列共5級,豐富的故事情節及精美的繪圖,內容多元化,涵蓋冒險、曆史、生活、動物等多種故事題材,深深吸引讀者的目光,讓閱讀充滿樂趣。
*My First: 適閤啓濛階段的學習者,藉由大人或老師大聲朗讀給學生聽,並可請學生跟著復誦,輕鬆引導學生進入閱讀的第一步。
*Level 1: 適閤能辨識單字及短句的學習者,在引導學生閱讀內容後,可鼓勵學生自行念齣故事情節。
*Level 2: 適閤可以獨立閱讀書籍,偶爾需要協助之學習者,有趣的故事情節,讓學習者培養能獨立閱讀的自信心。
*Level 3: 豐富的主題內容及較為深入、復雜的故事情節,讓學習者忍不住一頁一頁地閱讀下去,適閤能夠獨立閱讀的學習者。
*Level 4: 章迴故事內容,適閤愛讀書的學習者。
哈佛大學教育學博士硃莉嚮您推薦“I Can Read!係列”: 內容簡介
What would happen if a dinosaur came to a birthday party? Come to Danny's house and find out. His friend the dinosaur helps make this one party you'll never forget.
Syd Hoff was born and raised in New York City. He studied at the National Academy of Design and sold his first cartoon to The New Yorker when he was eighteen. He eventually became one of the most original and beloved authors and illustrators of children's books. Mr. Hoff wrote more than fifty books for children, including the I Can Read titles Danny and the Dinosaur, Oliver, and Sammy the Seal.
"It is Danny's birthday and he is on his way to the museum to invite his friend the dinosaur to his birthday party. When the dinosaur accepts the invitation, Danny rides the dinosaur back to his house. Danny's parents are decorating the house with balloons and streamers and the dinosaur is able to help because the children can ride on his long neck to hang balloons from the ceiling. When Danny's mother hands out birthday hats, the dinosaur proudly puts his own. When Danny's parents pass out ice cream to all the guests, they have to give a whole bucket of ice cream to the dinosaur. And when the cake comes out with candles burning, Danny has to remind the dinosaur that they must first make a wish before they can blow out the candles. Danny and the dinosaur make the same wish that they can be together next year for Danny's birthday. This "I Can Read" title, with accompanying CD, is a delightful story for the preschool and kindergarten crowd. As these young readers are just beginning to read for themselves, the CD reading along with them and the use of simple sentences of less than twenty words defers discouragement. Audio signals are given to let readers know when to turn the page and there is an additional track providing uninterrupted reading."
--Children's Literature
Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur! (I Can Read, Level 1)生日快樂,丹尼和恐龍 英文原版 [平裝] [4-8歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur! (I Can Read, Level 1)生日快樂,丹尼和恐龍 英文原版 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書
Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur! (I Can Read, Level 1)生日快樂,丹尼和恐龍 英文原版 [平裝] [4-8歲] mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur! (I Can Read, Level 1)生日快樂,丹尼和恐龍 英文原版 [平裝] [4-8歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025