Curious George 好奇猴乔治 [平装] [5岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Curious George 好奇猴乔治 [平装] [5岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
This is a pop-up version of the favorite title about the inquisitive monkey who unintentionally wreaks havoc on an entire city just by poking into things. By opening a page or yanking the right tabs, readers can watch George put on the yellow hat (the act that leads to his capture), get rescued from his attempt at flying, and teeter on the telephone lines. The firefighting sequence (when George accidentally calls the fire department) is action-packed, and the final pop-ups, of the monkey with his balloons, are inspired. For modern readers, George's kidnapping may seem severe. But this is a grand adventure in any format, and pop-ups make the still-curious monkey fly. Ages 4-8.
《好奇猴乔治》讲述了一只充满好奇的猴子,因缘际会离开丛林被带到了人类世界,单纯的好奇心给他带来了一连串的新奇冒险。《好奇小猴乔治》是作者汉斯·奥古斯都和玛格丽特·雷夫妇爱的结晶,故事出自太太玛格丽特手笔,先生汉斯负责插画,以简单线条描绘出戏剧张力十足、妙趣横生的故事,夫妇联手开启了这一系列脍炙“童”口的奇想之旅。自1941年美国Houghton Mifflin出版社推出第一本《好奇小猴乔治》起,该系列迄今已经被翻译成17种语言文字,售出3000万本有余,这只东奔西闯的可爱小猴子早已成为了经典绘本形象与商品偶像。另外,本系列还被改编为电影,深受喜爱。
Curious George 好奇猴乔治 [平装] [5岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Curious George 好奇猴乔治 [平装] [5岁及以上] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025Curious George 好奇猴乔治 [平装] [5岁及以上] mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
Curious George 好奇猴乔治 [平装] [5岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载打开书本,书装帧精美,纸张很干净,文字排版看起来非常舒服非常的惊喜,让人看得欲罢不能,每每捧起这本书的时候 似乎能够感觉到作者毫无保留的把作品呈现在我面前。 作业深入浅出的写作手法能让本人犹如身临其境一般,好似一杯美式咖啡,看似快餐,其实值得回味 无论男女老少,第一印象最重要。”从你留给别人的第一印象中,就可以让别人看出你是什么样的人。所以多读书可以让人感觉你知书答礼,颇有风度。 多读书,可以让你多增加一些课外知识。培根先生说过:“知识就是力量。”不错,多读书,增长了课外知识,可以让你感到浑身充满了一股力量。这种力量可以激励着你不断地前进,不断地成长。从书中,你往往可以发现自己身上的不足之处,使你不断地改正错误,摆正自己前进的方向。所以,书也是我们的良师益友。 多读书,可以让你变聪明,变得有智慧去战胜对手。书让你变得更聪明,你就可以勇敢地面对困难。让你用自己的方法来解决这个问题。这样,你又向你自己的人生道路上迈出了一步。 多读书,也能使你的心情便得快乐。读书也是一种休闲,一种娱乐的方式。读书可以调节身体的血管流动,使你身心健康。所以在书的海洋里遨游也是一种无限快乐的事情。用读书来为自己放松心情也是一种十分明智的。 读书能陶冶人的情操,给人知识和智慧。所以,我们应该多读书,为我们以后的人生道路打下好的、扎实的基础!读书养性,读书可以陶冶自己的性情,使自己温文尔雅,具有书卷气;读书破万卷,下笔如有神,多读书可以提高写作能力,写文章就才思敏捷;旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知,读书可以提高理解能力,只要熟读深思,你就可以知道其中的道理了;读书可以使自己的知识得到积累,君子学以聚之。总之,爱好读书是好事。让我们都来读书吧。 其实读书有很多好处,就等有心人去慢慢发现. 最大的好处是可以让你有属于自己的本领靠自己生存。 最后在好评一下京东客服服务态度好,送货相当快,包装仔细!这个也值得赞美下 希望京东这样保持下去,越做越好
评分《好奇猴乔治》讲述了一只充满好奇的猴子,因缘际会离开丛林被带到了人类世界,单纯的好奇心给他带来了一连串的新奇冒险。《好奇小猴乔治》是作者汉斯·奥古斯都和玛格丽特·雷夫妇爱的结晶,故事出自太太玛格丽特手笔,先生汉斯负责插画,以简单线条描绘出戏剧张力十足、妙趣横生的故事,夫妇联手开启了这一系列脍炙“童”口的奇想之旅。自1941年美国Houghton Mifflin出版社推出第一本《好奇小猴乔治》起,该系列迄今已经被翻译成17种语言文字,售出3000万本有余,这只东奔西闯的可爱小猴子早已成为了经典绘本形象与商品偶像。另外,本书还被改编为电影,深受喜爱。
评分He learns his lesson about how curiosity is something to be repressed after he jumps off of a fire escape and breaks his leg. Luckily, the man in the big yellow hat discovers George in the hospital and takes him to safety and turns him into a big movie star.
评分Curiosity is something that kids that age have. They want to know everything! So why is the book so adamant against curiosity? It portrays curiosity in the worst light possible. George finds himself in trouble after his curiosity leads him to peek inside windows while window washing. Curiosity is the root cause of the entire misadventure, since it is what lured him out of his cage.
评分Should children really be told that curiosity is something bad? After three reads, I simply can't recommend it. The book is beautifully drawn and the text is easy to read aloud. It's just that the moral of the story seems to be so at odds with what I want to teach that I have to mark it down. I liked this book a lot. Curious George books are great. He is always getting into trouble and it keeps you reading. I still haven't watched the movie yet but the books make me want to. My 2 year old sister likes them too. It is a good family read. Enjoy!
Curious George 好奇猴乔治 [平装] [5岁及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025