温暖的荆棘(毕淑敏为年轻人全新定制的心灵处方,愿你与这世界温暖相拥!) epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
温暖的荆棘(毕淑敏为年轻人全新定制的心灵处方,愿你与这世界温暖相拥!) epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
2、人生路上不会总铺满鲜花,偶尔也会荆棘密布。20则温暖心灵的故事 20剂治愈心灵的处方,献给所有在不安中眺望未来的年轻人。
朱虹老师由衷热爱翻译事业,一直兢兢业业,她以英语的思维,追求“神似而非形似”的翻译风格,不是亦步亦趋地简单直译,而是在力求准确的同时,不失灵性和变通,严谨中饱含风趣,让读者领会更加原汁原味的英文,体会纯正的英语之美。这样一位声震海内外的翻译大家,怎么会在84 周岁的耄耋之年,翻译我的这本小书呢?
文字之中,也藏着我的一双手。我这双手,没什么特殊,只是指掌比较大。当年我做外科医生的时候,如果第二天有我出台做手术,护士长会特别叮嘱准备手术器械的新护士说,一般女医生的手套6 号半到7 号即可,毕医生要用7 号半的大手套。
现在上了点年纪,因长年写作,多个手指发炎变粗,估计再要去做手术,没准要用8 号
Two Pairs of Hands Hidden in a Book
Bi Shumin
The hands of Zhu Hong, the translator of this volume of stories, are soft and warm.
It is hard to imagine that this pair of hands had written articles on English and American literature with sharp critical acumen.
More amazing is the fact that Zhu Hong had translated outstanding works of Chinese literature into English. Her translations, precise, succinct, sometimes with a dash of humor thrown in, have been approved of and accepted in the Englishspeaking world of academia, while at home they have more than once served as topics for Ph.D theses.
Zhu Hong works hard and is deeply devoted to her chosen field. True to her ideal of translation not as a mere formation of words but as a means of imparting the spirit of the original, Zhu Hong’s works of translation have managed to offer her readers a taste of the English language in all its beauty and flexibility.
Now why did this famed master of translation, at the venerable age of eighty-four, bother to translate these short stories of mine? It turned out that Zhu Hong had planned to translate this collection of my stories as a gift to all her granddaughters, a gift to be handed down as an heirloom within the family. Thus she threw herself into the job of translation, sweating over every word in pursuit of perfection. However, the project was discovered by Tiandi Press, and thus destined to be released for a larger readership.
My own two hands are also hidden in the text of this book. There is nothing special about my hands, except that it is larger than the usual for women of my age. Back in those days when I was a surgeon and whenever there was a surgery planned for the next day, the nurse in charge of surgical instruments would always order gloves of size 7.5, explaining to her staff that size 6—7 was the usual for women doctors, but that Doctor Bi Shumin needed
By now, I have added some years to my age, not to mention having spent those years writing nonstop, and most of my fingers are swollen with inflammation. If I am to perform surgery now, I guess I will need size 8 gloves.
Now that we have dealt with hands, let us move on to the heart.
Let me assure you, readers: every word here in the book is sprung from my sense of responsibility as a practicing surgeon. All of them were written down conscientiously, word by word, out of a sense of pride in being a doctor dedicated to saving lives, and were all written in the hope that those words, imbued with strength, would send out warmth!
Many thanks to the editorial staff of Tiandi Press for their hard work!
Dear readers, with such smooth flowing English, faithful to the original, bubbling with humor, such a book is a rare acquisition. Snatch it!
My hands and Zhu Hong’s hands—are hidden inside the book, waiting to greet you!
温暖的荆棘(毕淑敏为年轻人全新定制的心灵处方,愿你与这世界温暖相拥!) epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
温暖的荆棘(毕淑敏为年轻人全新定制的心灵处方,愿你与这世界温暖相拥!) 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025温暖的荆棘(毕淑敏为年轻人全新定制的心灵处方,愿你与这世界温暖相拥!) mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
温暖的荆棘(毕淑敏为年轻人全新定制的心灵处方,愿你与这世界温暖相拥!) epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载朋友推荐来的,用心学习校正自己!也许会有很好的收获!希望越来越多的朋友们能健康的,勇敢的正视自己,让自己变得越来越好!
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温暖的荆棘(毕淑敏为年轻人全新定制的心灵处方,愿你与这世界温暖相拥!) epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025