AP 环境科学是一门涵盖诸多学科知识的美国大学先修课程,这是它与其他AP 学科很显著的不同点。环境科学包含了地理、生物、化学、环境研究等诸多学科的知识点。通过对相关科学原理、科学概念、科学方法的介绍,这门课程会帮助考生系统了解和分析各种复杂环境问题,评价各类潜在的环境危机,探究解决和预防环境问题的可行性方法。AP 环境科学课会展示出人与自然的大画卷,威力巨大的台风,在开始可能仅仅是一团看似可爱的气体;城市热岛现象造成的高温天气,也可以运用流体力学、气候学和建筑学的城市规划而达到减缓。
《AP环境科学》是作者结合AP 环境科学的教学心得,为参加AP 环境科学考试的中国考生而编写。这本中英文备考参考书,可帮助考生系统领会考试纲要,掌握知识要点,顺利通过AP考试。全书共四部分:(一)AP 环境科学知识复习。该部分按照美国大学理事会AP 环境科学考试要求,将考试要点分为七个主题,分别是地球系统和资源、生物系统、种群、土地和水的利用、能源和消耗、污染以及全球变化。(二)AP 环境科学考试。该部分介绍了AP 环境科学考试的基本构成,分专题总结了环境科学考试中会遇到的化学公式、计算题以及问答题,让考生了解考试中的得分点。(三)AP 环境科学实验。该部分巧妙地将知识点和实际应用结合在一起,帮助考生在短时间内有效理解并应用科学原理和概念。(四)AP 环境科学主要词汇。
Part 1 AP Environmental Science Reviews 第一部分 AP 环境科学知识复习
Chapter 1 Earth Systems and Resources第一章 地球系统和资源
Chapter 2 The Living World 第二章 生物系统
Chapter 3 Population 第三章 种群
Chapter 4 Land and Water Use第四章 土地和水的利用
Chapter 5 Energy Resources and Consumption第五章 能源和消耗
Chapter 6 Pollution 第六章 污染
Chapter 7 Global Change 第七章 全球变化
Part 2 AP Environmental Science Exam第二部分 AP 环境科学考试
Chapter 1 Introduction to the AP Environmental Science Exam第一章 AP 环境科学考试介绍
Chapter 2 Chemical Formulas in AP Environmental Science 第二章 AP 环境科学中的化学公式
Chapter 3 AP Environmental ScienceMathematics第三章 AP 环境科学中的计算题
Chapter 4 Free Response Questions in the AP Environmental Science Exam第四章 AP 环境科学考试中的问答题
Part 3 AP Environmental Science Lab Activities第三部分 AP 环境科学实验
Lab 1 Ozone Testing Lab 实验 1 臭氧测试实验
Lab 2 Oh Deer实验 2 种群与生态实验
Lab 3 Habitat Loss Lab实验 3 栖息地的流失实验
Lab 4 Species Diversity Lab实验 4 物种多样性实验
Lab 5 Endangered Species Lab实验 5 濒临灭绝的物种实验
Lab 6 Wanted实验 6 分析实验
Lab 7 Dilution Lab实验 7 稀释实验
Lab 8 Ecocolumn Lab实验 8 生态柱实验
Lab 9 A Quandary in Ponder实验 9 庞德城的困境
Lab 10 Tagging Lab实验 10 标记实验
Lab 11 Cover It Up实验 11 课本封面实验
Lab 12 Soil Salinization Lab实验 12 土壤盐碱化实验
Lab 13 Exponential Growth Worksheet实验 13 指数增长计算
Lab 14 Food Webbing实验 14 食物网
Lab 15 Cookie Mining实验 15 开采实验
Lab 16 Electric Power From Sun and Wind实验 16 风力发电与太阳能发电
Lab 17 Energy Use Inventory实验 17 能源利用库存
Lab 18 Airborne Particulate Lab实验 18 空气颗粒物实验
Lab 19 Planting Density Lab 实验 19 种植密度实验
Lab 20 Risk Lab 实验 20 风险分析实验
Lab 21 Soil Texture Lab实验 21 土壤成分测试
Lab 22 Water Use实验 22 水资源的利用
Lab 23 The AP Environmental Science Debates实验 23 AP 环境科学讨论
Lab 24 Happy Fishing实验 24 快乐捕鱼
Part 4 AP Environmental Science Key Words第四部分 AP 环境科学主要词汇
Chapter 2 The Living World
第二章 生物系统
生物种群(biological populations):在同一生活空间,相同物种 (same species) 个体的集群。
群落(communities):在同一生活空间,不同物种(different species) 个体的集群。
生态位(ecological niches): 一个物种在所处环境中的生态作用(environmental function)。
物种间的相互作用(interactions among species):物种之间的相互关系有很多种,例如寄生、腐生、竞争、共生等。
关键种(keystone species):对保持生态群落的结构起着重要作用的物种。
物种多样性(species diversity):在一定时间和区域内所有生物物种及其遗传变异和生态系统复杂性的总称。生物多样性包括了基因多样性、物种多样性、生态系统多样性等。
边际效应(edge effects)
主要陆生和水生生物群系(major terrestrial and aquatic biomes)
1 Ecosystem 生态系统(图1—2—1)
1.1. Community.Interactions 群落间的相互作用
两个不同的物种常常会竞争同一个生态位,这种竞争关系抑制种群的增长,从而出现了以下5 种物种间的相互作用。
It is not uncommon for the niches of two species to overlap. The overlap increases competition and can therefore limit population growth. This produces five main types of interactions among species.
1.1.1 Interspecific Competition 种间斗争
Interspecific competition refers to the competition between two or more species for the same limited resources in the environment such as food, nutrients, space, sunlight.
种间斗争导致的结果有三种: extinction, resources partitioning and character displacement. In nature, there are two related outcomes, besides extinction, if two species inhabit the same niche and therefore compete for resources. One of the species will evolve through natural selection to exploit different resources. This is called resources partitioning. Another possibility is called character displacement, which occurred on the Galapagos Islands. Mammalian carnivores, Galapagos finches, Anolis lizards on island are examples of character displacement.
1.1.2 Predation 捕食
A predator feeds on all or part of another organism known as its prey.
a. pursuit and ambush 追求和伏击
b. mimicry 模仿
c. camouflage 伪装
d. chemical warfare 化学战
Plants have evolved spines and thorns and chemical poisons such as strychnine, mescaline, morphine, and nicotine to fend off attack by animals.
Animals have evolved active defenses such as hiding, fleeing, or defending themselves. These, however, can be very costly in terms of energy. Animals have also evolved passive defenses such as cryptic coloration or camouflage that make the prey difficult to spot. Examples:
警戒色Aposematic coloration is very bright, often red or orange, coloration of poisonous animals as a warning that possible predators should avoid them.
警戒拟态(又叫贝氏拟态)Batesian mimicry is copycat coloration where one harmless animal mimics the coloration of one that is poisonous. One example is the viceroy
butterfly which is harmless but looks very similar to the monarch butterfly, which stores poisons in its body from the milkweed plant.
缪勒拟态In Mullerian mimicry, two or more poisonous species, such as the cuckoo bee and the yellow jacket, resemble each other and gain an advantage from their combined number. Predators learn more quickly to avoid and prey with that appearance.
1.1.3 Parasitism 寄生
One organism (parasite) gains energy by living on or inside a host organism. A tapeworm in the human intestine is an example.
1.1.4 Mutualism 互利共生
Two organisms interact in a manner that is beneficial to both in some way. An example is the bacteria that live in the human intestine and produce vitamins.
a. nutritional mutualism
b. gut inhabitant mutualism
1.1.5 Commensalism 共栖
This interaction benefits one species but has little or no impact on the other. Barnacles that attach themselves to the underside of a whale benefit by gaining access to a variety of food sources as the whale swims into different areas. The whale is unaware of the barnacles.
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