《燦爛韆陽》再次以阿富汗戰亂為背景,時空跨越三十年,用細膩感人的筆觸描繪瞭阿富汗舊傢族製度下苦苦掙紮的婦女,她們所懷抱的希望、愛情、夢想與所有的失落。《燦爛韆陽》一書的主人公瑪麗雅姆在阿富汗一個偏遠貧窮的地方長大,她想上學,母親卻告誡她:“學校怎麼會教你這樣的人?一個女人隻要學一樣本領,那就是忍耐。”“忍耐什麼?”“不用操心,”她母親娜娜說,“需要你忍耐的東西絕不會少。”繼暢銷過百萬冊的《追風箏的人》之後,卡勒德?鬍賽尼在《燦爛韆陽》裏展現瞭半個世紀阿富汗婦女所要忍耐的種種。個人,要忍耐飢餓、病痛的約束。傢庭要承受戰爭的創傷、難民的流離失所。國傢要忍耐前蘇聯、塔利班與美國的戰爭。這是一部阿富汗忍耐的曆史。瑪麗雅姆是個私生女,1974年,她15歲,母親自殺。父親強迫她嫁給喀布爾的老鞋匠拉希德。拉希德是小說裏許多人性中暴力的源頭。在流産六次後,瑪麗雅姆不能再生育。她遭到拉希德的毒打虐待。小說的另一位女主人翁萊拉,是拉希德另一個妻子。在與前蘇聯的戰爭中,萊拉失去瞭兩個哥哥。炸彈奪走瞭她父母的生命。她深愛的男孩也被迫逃離阿富汗。主人公生活裏到處都是失落與絕望。過著簡單美國式生活的美國讀者甚至難以體會。剛開始,兩位妻子相互敵視,漸漸的,兩人在養育孩子的過程中越來越親密無間。她們的友情在拉希德的虐待,國傢的無情戰火中留存。動人的情感成為小說的核心。兩個女人苦難深重,某種程度上,她們慶祝塔利班的到來,希望能結束她們的苦難……關於不可寬恕的時代,不可能的友誼以及不可毀滅的愛。Mariam is only fifteen when she is sent to Kabul to marry the troubled and bitter Rasheed, who is thirty years her senior. Nearly two decades later, in a climate of growing unrest, tragedy strikes fifteen-year-old Laila, who must leave her home and join Mariam's unhappy household. Laila and Mariam are to find consolation in each other, their friendship to grow as deep as the bond between sisters, as strong as the ties between mother and daughter. With the passing of time comes Taliban rule over Afghanistan, the streets of Kabul loud with the sound of gunfire and bombs, life a desperate struggle against starvation, brutality and fear, the women's endurance tested beyond their worst imaginings. Yet love can move a person to act in unexpected ways, lead them to overcome the most daunting obstacles with a startling heroism. In the end it is love that triumphs over death and destruction. A Thousand Splendid Suns is an unforgettable portrait of a wounded country and a deeply moving story of family and friendship. It is a beautiful, heart-wrenching story of an unforgiving time, an unlikely bond and an indestructible love.點擊鏈接進入中文版: 燦爛韆陽
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