英美法案例精选丛书:美国侵权法(第2版)(英文版) [American Tort Law(2nd Edition)] epub pdf  mobi txt 电子书 下载

英美法案例精选丛书:美国侵权法(第2版)(英文版) [American Tort Law(2nd Edition)] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024

英美法案例精选丛书:美国侵权法(第2版)(英文版) [American Tort Law(2nd Edition)] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024

王军,高建学 著



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出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
外文名称:American Tort Law(2nd Edition)

英美法案例精选丛书:美国侵权法(第2版)(英文版) [American Tort Law(2nd Edition)] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024

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  《英美法案例精选丛书:美国侵权法(第2版)(英文版)》所选取的案例比较系统地反映了英美侵权法(主要是美国)的主要制度。为了便于读者能够在较短的时间内获得英美侵权法最为基础的知识,编者特 意在每一章或每一节的开头部分对该章节所涉及的法律原理用中文进行了简要的表述;此外,又在每个英文案例之后附上思考题,使读者可以带着问题阅读案例,加 深对案例中阐明的法律原理的理解。笔者希望,读者能够在阅读这些案例的过程中,不仅弄懂每一个案例的事实、判决结果和法官的推理过程,而且能透过这些案例 了解英美国家的法律制度,以及它们所体现的社会价值观念和公共政策。



第一章 故意侵权
第一节 威吓和殴打
案例1 Vosburg v. Putney
案例2 Anicet v. Gant
第二节 不法拘禁
案例3 Parvi v. City of Kingston
第三节 故意精神伤害
案例4 Womack v. Eldridge

第二章 过失侵权
第一节 注意义务
案例5 Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co.
案例6 Tarasoff v. Regents of the Univ. of California
案例7 Farwell v. Keaton
案例8 Harper v. Herman
案例9 Korman v. Mallin
第二节 注意义务的违反
案例10 Brown v. Kendall
案例11 United States v. Carroll Towing Co.
案例12 McCarty v. Pheasant Run, Inc.
案例13 Stewart v. Martin Motts
案例14 Robinson v. Lindsay
案例15 Cervelli v. Graves
案例16Poyner v. Loftus
第三节 因果关系
案例17 Overseas Tankship (U. K.) Ltd. v. Morts Dock &
Engineering Co., Ltd.
案例18 Frances A. McLaughlin v. Mine Safety Appliances
第四节 损害
案例19 Gammon v. Osteopathic Hosp. of Maine, Inc.
案例20 K.A.C.v.Benson
案例21 State Farm v. Campbell
第五节 举证责任
案例22 Byrne v. Boadle
案例23 Anderson v. Service Merchandise Co., Inc.

第三章 严格责任
第一节 危险理论的起源
案例24 Fletcher v. Rylands
案例25 Rylands v. Fletcher
第二节 直接暴力侵害
案例26 Sullivan v. Dunham
第三节 超常危险活动理论
案例27 Indiana Harbor Belt R. Co. v. American Cyanamid Co.

第四章 产品责任
第一节 产品责任的严格责任之诉
案例28 Camacho v. Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
案例29 Soule v. General Motors Corp.
第二节 产品责任领域严格责任的适用范围
案例30 Hoven v. Kelble
案例31 Brown v. Superior Court
第三节 产品责任的抗辩
案例32 Daly v. General Motors Corporation
案例33 Jones v. Ryobi, Ltd.
案例34 Smith v. Ontario Sewing Machine Co. Ltd.

第五章 私人妨害责任
案例35 Jost v. Dairyland Power Co.
案例36 Carpenter v. The Double R Cattle Company, Inc.
案例37 Boomer v. Atlantic Cement Co, Inc.

第六章 环境侵权责任
案例38 Exxon Shipping Company, et al., Petitioners, v.Grant Banker et al
案例39 United States of America, Plaintiff v. J.R.Nelson Vessel Ltd. et al, Defendants.
案例40 United States, Petitioner v. Bestfoods et al.


  These two words have never been given an inclusive definition.What is a cause in a legal sense,still more what is a proximate cause,depend in each case upon many considerations,as does the existence of negligence itself.Any philosophical doctrine of causation does not help us.A boy throws as tone into a pond.The ripples spread the water level rises.The history of that pond is altered to all eternity.It will be altered by other causes also.Yet it will be forever the resultant of all causes combined.Each one will have an influence.How great only omniscience can say.You may speak of a chain,or if you please,a net.An analogy is of little aid.Each cause brings about future events.Without each the future would not be the same.Each is proximate in the sense it is essential.But that is not what we mean by the word.Nor on the other hand do we mean sole cause.There is no such thing.
  Should analogy be thought helpful,however,I prefer that of a stream.The spring,starting on its journey,is joined by tributary after tributary.The river,reaching the ocean,comes from a hundred sources.No man may say whence any drop of water is derived.Yet for a time distinction may be possible.Into the clear creek,brown swamp water flows from the left Later,from the right comes water stained by its clay bed.The three may remain for a space,sharply divided.But at last,inevitably no trace of separation remains.They are so commingled that all distinction is lost
  As we have said,we cannot trace the effect of an act to the end,if end there is.Again,however,we may trace it part of the way: A murder at Sarajevo may be the necessary antecedent to an assassination in London twenty years hence.An overturned lantern may burn all Chicago.We may follow the fire from the shed to the last building.We rightly say the fire started by the lantern caused its destruction.
  A cause,but not the proximate cause.What we do mean by the word "proximate" is,that because of convenience,of public policy,of a rough sense of justice,the law arbitrarily declines to trace a series of events beyond a certain point.This is not logic.It is practical politics.Take our rule as to fires.Sparks from my burning haystack set on fire my house and my neighbor's.I may recover from a negligent radioed.He may not.Yet the wrongful act as directly harmed the one as the other.We may regret that the line was drawn just where it was,but drawn somewhere it had to be.We said the act of the radioed was not the proximate cause of our neighbor's fire.Cause it surely was.The words we used were simply indicative of our notions of public policy.Other courts think differently.But somewhere they reach the point where they cannot say the stream comes from any one source.



英美法案例精选丛书:美国侵权法(第2版)(英文版) [American Tort Law(2nd Edition)] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024

英美法案例精选丛书:美国侵权法(第2版)(英文版) [American Tort Law(2nd Edition)] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2024

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