Preface to the Second Edition
Introduction: What is Literature?
1 The Rise of English
2 Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Reception Theory
3 Structuralism and Semiotics
4 Post-Structuralism
5 Psychoanalysis
Conclusion: Political Criticism
The Rise of English
In eighteenth-century England, the concept of literature was not confined asit sometimes is today to creative or imaginative writing. It meant thewhole body Of valued writing in society: philosophy, history, essays andletters as wellas poems. What made a text literary was not whether it wasfictional - the eighteenth century was in grave doubt about whether the newupstart form of the novel was literature at all - but whether it conformed tocertain standards of polite letters. The criteria of what counted as litera-ture, in other words, were frankly ideological: writing which embodied thevalues and tastes of a particular social class qualified as literature, whereasa street ballad, a popular romance and perhaps even the drama did not. Atthis historical point, then, the value-ladenness of the concept of literaturewas reasonably self-evident.
In the eighteenth century, however, literature did more than embodycertain social values: it was a vital instrument for their deeper entrenchmentand wider dissemination. Eighteenth-century England had emerged, battered but intact, from a bloody civil war in the previous century which hadset the social classes at each others throats; and in the drive to reconsolidatea shaken social order, the neo-classical notions of Reason, Nature, order andpropriety, epitomized in art, were key concepts. With the need to incorpor-ate the increasingly powerful but spiritually rather raw middle classes intounity with the ruling aristocracy, to diffuse polite social manners, habits ofcorrect taste and common cultural standards, literature gained a newimportance. It included a whole set of ideological institutions: periodicals,coffee houses, social and aesthetic treatises, sermons, classical translations,guidebooks to manners and morals. Literature was not a matter of feltexperience, personal response or imaginative uniqueness:such terms,indissociable for us today from the whole idea of the literary, would nothave counted for much with Henry Fielding.
This book is an attempt to make modern literary theory intelligible andattractive to as wide a readership as possible. Since it first appeared in 1983,I am gratified to report that it has been studied by lawyers as well as literarycritics, anthropologists as well as cultural theorists. In one sense, perhaps,this isnt all that surprising. As the book itself tries to demonstrate, there isin fact no literary theory, in the sense of a body of theory which springsfrom, or is applicable to, literature alone. None of the approaches outlined inthis book, from phenomenology and semiotics to structuralism and psychoanalysis, is simply concerned with literary writing. On the contrary, they allemerged from other areas of the humanities, and have implications wellbeyond literature itself. This, I imagine, has been one reason for the bookspopularity, and one reason which makes a new edition of it worthwhile. ButI have also been struck by the number of non-academic readers it hasattracted. Unlike most such works, it has managed to reach a readershipbeyond academia, and this is especially interesting in the light of literarytheorys so-called elitism. If it is a difficult, even esoteric language, then itseems to be one which interests people who have never seen the inside of auniversity; and if this is so, then some of those inside universities whodismiss it for its esotericism ought to think again. It is encouraging, anyway,that in a postmodern age in which meaning, like everything else, is expectedto be instantly consumable, there are those who have found the labour ofacquiring new ways of speaking of literature to be worthwhile.
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文学理论导论(第2版) [Literary Theory:An Introduction] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025
文学理论导论(第2版) [Literary Theory:An Introduction] mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
3 Structuralism and Semiotics
[ZZ]写的的书都写得很好,[sm]还是朋友推荐我看的,后来就非非常喜欢,他的书了。除了他的书,我和我家小孩还喜欢看郑渊洁、杨红樱、黄晓阳、小桥老树、王永杰、杨其铎、晓玲叮当、方洲,他们的书我觉得都写得很好。[SM],很值得看,价格也非常便宜,比实体店买便宜好多还省车费。 书的内容直得一读[BJTJ],阅读了一下,写得很好,[NRJJ],内容也很丰富。[QY],一本书多读几次,[SZ]。 快递送货也很快。还送货上楼。非常好。 [SM],超值。买书就来来京东商城。价格还比别家便宜,还免邮费不错,速度还真是快而且都是正版书。[BJTJ],买回来觉得还是非常值的。我喜欢看书,喜欢看各种各样的书,看的很杂,文学名著,流行小说都看,只要作者的文笔不是太差,总能让我从头到脚看完整本书。只不过很多时候是当成故事来看,看完了感叹一番也就丢下了。所在来这里买书是非常明智的。然而,目前社会上还有许多人被一些价值不大的东西所束缚,却自得其乐,还觉得很满足。经过几百年的探索和发展,人们对物质需求已不再迫切,但对于精神自由的需求却无端被抹杀了。总之,我认为现代人最缺乏的就是一种开阔进取,寻找最大自由的精神。 中国人讲“虚实相生,天人合一”的思想,“于空寂处见流行,于流行处见空寂”,从而获得对于“道”的体悟,“唯道集虚”。这在传统的艺术中得到了充分的体现,因此中国古代的绘画,提倡“留白”、“布白”,用空白来表现丰富多彩的想象空间和广博深广的人生意味,体现了包纳万物、吞吐一切的胸襟和情怀。让我得到了一种生活情趣和审美方式,伴着笔墨的清香,细细体味,那自由孤寂的灵魂,高尚清真的人格魅力,在寻求美的道路上指引着我,让我抛弃浮躁的世俗,向美学丛林的深处迈进。合上书,闭上眼,书的余香犹存,而我脑海里浮现的,是一个“皎皎明月,仙仙白云,鸿雁高翔,缀叶如雨”的冲淡清幽境界。愿我们身边多一些主教般光明的使者,有更多人能加入到助人为乐、见义勇为的队伍中来。社会需要这样的人,世界需要这样的人,只有这样我们才能创造我们的生活,[NRJJ]希望下次还呢继续购买这里的书籍,这里的书籍很好,非常的不错,。给我带来了不错的现实享受。希望下次还呢继续购买这里的书籍,这里的书籍很好,非常的不错,。给我带来了不错的现实享受。
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