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William Dalrymple was born in Scotland and brought up on the shores of the Firth of Forth. He wrote the highly acclaimed bestseller In Xanadu when he was twenty-two. The book won the 1990 Yorkshire Post Best First Work Award and a Scottish Arts Council Spring Book Award; it was also shortlisted for the John Llewellyn Rhys Memorial Prize.
In 1989 Dalrymple moved to Delhi where he lived for six years researching his second book, City of Djinns, which won the 1994 Thomas Cook Travel Book Award and the Sunday Times Young British Writer of the Year Award. From the Holy Mountain, his acclaimed study of the demise of Christianity in its Middle Eastern homeland, was awarded the Scottish Arts Council Autumn Book Award for 1997; it was also shortlisted for the 1998 Thomas Cook Award, the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize and the Duff Cooper Prize. A collection of his writings about India, The Age of Kali, won the French Prix D’Astrolabe in 2005.
White Mughals was published in 2003, the book won the Wolfson Prize for History 2003, the Scottish Book of the Year Prize, and was shortlisted for the PEN History Award, the Kiryama Prize and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize.
William Dalrymple is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and of the Royal Asiatic Society, and is the founder and co-director of the Jaipur Literature Festival.
In 2002 he was awarded the Mungo Park Medal by the Royal Scottish Geographical Society for his ‘outstanding contribution to travel literature’. He wrote and presented the television series Stones of the Raj and Indian Journeys, which won the Grierson Award for Best Documentary Series at BAFTA in 2002. His Radio 4 series on the history of British spirituality and mysticism, The Long Search, won the 2002 Sandford St Martin Prize for Religious Broadcasting and was described by the judges as ‘thrilling in its brilliance... near perfect radio’. In December 2005 his article on the madrasas of Pakistan was awarded the prize for Best Print Article of the Year at the 2005 FPA Media Awards. In June 2006 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Letters honoris causa by the University of St Andrews “for his services to literature and international relations, to broadcasting and understanding”. In 2007, The Last Moghal won the prestigous Duff Cooper Prize for History and Biography. In November 2007, William received an Honourary Doctorate of Letters, honoris causa, from the University of Lucknow University “for his outstanding contribution in literature and history”, and in March 2008 won the James Todd Memorial Prize from the Maharana of Udaipur.
William is married to the artist Olivia Fraser, and they have three children. They now live on a farm outside Delhi.
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無政府 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載##對於我這種印度地理小白來說,隻知道新德裏、孟買和加爾各答是完全覆蓋不住各處地名的,必須用iPad打開榖歌地圖,對照來看,圖上有山川、河流的走嚮,看得齣各處要塞所屬城市的關卡作用,這纔能理解為何需要數萬頭牛在雨季拉動大炮,纔能理解成為威靈頓公爵前的阿瑟為何不能從南綫biu地飛去北綫協助萊剋勛爵。在閱讀本書前,隻知道和滿清對招的公司,卻不曉得他的來世,此書解開瞭睏惑很多年的一塊處女地,不錯不錯。
評分 評分 評分 評分蠶食瞭南亞次大陸傳奇帝國的真正“怪獸”,東印度公司的曆史。從《迦利時代》時就明顯感覺達爾林普爾對印度文化和曆史的信手拈來,這種熟稔到膝跳反應般的優勢曾讓作者占盡天時地利人和。在這次的曆史書寫中也將讓作者得以輕鬆勾畫齣眾多勢力之間復雜且微妙的往事。曆史的齣其不意讓一群商人組成的團體竟然登上瞭遙遠國度的政治舞颱以小博大。政治匡扶經濟,經濟裹挾政治的博弈中,一些核心訴求從未改變。國傢與企業之間的權利與製衡也將得到分析與探討。“所有的河流都將匯集於此”,七年戰爭,美國獨立戰爭,拿破侖遠徵,即將在亞洲東麵發生的新一輪侵略等等…在南亞次大陸的這段沉浮掙紮中有怎樣的參照與影響,在書中會觸發類似他鄉遇故知的“欣喜”。可能會需要提前知道的是,在後記開始之前的作者和《迦利時代》時的他似是兩條各自奔騰的河流。
評分 評分##對於我這種印度地理小白來說,隻知道新德裏、孟買和加爾各答是完全覆蓋不住各處地名的,必須用iPad打開榖歌地圖,對照來看,圖上有山川、河流的走嚮,看得齣各處要塞所屬城市的關卡作用,這纔能理解為何需要數萬頭牛在雨季拉動大炮,纔能理解成為威靈頓公爵前的阿瑟為何不能從南綫biu地飛去北綫協助萊剋勛爵。在閱讀本書前,隻知道和滿清對招的公司,卻不曉得他的來世,此書解開瞭睏惑很多年的一塊處女地,不錯不錯。
無政府 epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025