Sputnik Sweetheart epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Sputnik Sweetheart epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
村上春树(1949- ),日本小说家。曾在早稻田大学文学部戏剧科就读。1979年,他的第一部小说《听风之歌》问世后,即被搬上了银幕。随后,他的优秀作品《1973年的弹子球》、《寻羊冒险记》、《挪威的森林》等相继发表。他的创作不受传统拘束,构思新奇,行文潇洒自在,而又不流于庸俗浅薄。尤其是在刻画人的孤独无奈方面更有特色,他没有把这种情绪写成负的东西,而是通过内心的心智性操作使之升华为一种优雅的格调,一种乐在其中的境界,以此来为读者,尤其是生活在城市里的人们提供了一种生活模式或生命的体验。
Twenty two year old, Sumire is in love for the first time with a woman seventeen years her senior. But, whereas Miu is a glamorous and successful older woman with a taste for classical music and fine wine, Sumire is an aspiring writer who dresses in an oversized second hand coat and heavy boots like a character in a Jack Kerouac novel. Surprised that she might, after all, be a lesbian, Sumire spends hours on the phone talking to her best friend, K about the big questions in life: what is sexual desire and should she ever tell Miu how she feels about her? K, a primary school teacher, is used to answering questions, but what he most wants to say to Sumire is "I love you." He consoles himself by having an affair with the mother of one of his pupils. But, when a desperate Miu calls him out of the blue from a sunny Greek island and asks for his help, he soon discovers that all is not as it seems and something very strange has happened to Sumire.
Sputnik Sweetheart epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Sputnik Sweetheart 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025Sputnik Sweetheart mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
Sputnik Sweetheart epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载##比喻好有想象力
评分 评分 评分 评分##有好处,有迷人处,亦有用力过甚的地方。
评分##This story started with companionship, two intimate friends and an adored mystical lady. Then the relationships became lonely. A man who loved a lesbian, who in turn loved a woman with no sexual desire. It ended in perpetual solitude. No love, no connection. Every individual, at some point, was broken from oneself into presence and a distant world 村上春树和昆德拉小说有一股非现实味儿,昆德拉认为小说应当挖掘生活之外的可能性,村上春树的几部作品则以现实和非现实两条线展开小说架构,在结尾将双线交合。这种非现实味儿着实诱人,摊开书,潜入小说家构造的广袤世界,一切现实中不可能的事在这里展现。 ...
评分 评分##在村上的所有作品当中,《斯普特尼克恋人》是相对较为奇特的一部。说这句话的原因,是《斯》当中的男主角,似乎与他其他作品中的男主角基本不同。说得明白点儿,无论是《且听风吟》、《一九七三年的弹子球》、《寻羊冒险记》三部曲,还是《舞!舞!舞!》,抑或《国境以南...
评分##看了这么多遍,还是觉得特别迷人,画面感也强,有几处拍成动画应该也不错。英文版的用词很简单,看起来不费劲,比看论文容易多了= =
Sputnik Sweetheart epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025