The Art of Thinking Clearly epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The Art of Thinking Clearly epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Rolf Dobelli is a bestselling writer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of Zurich.Minds, a community of some of the world's most famed and distinguished thinkers, scientists, artists, and entrepreneurs, and a cofounder of getAbstract, the world's largest publisher of compressed knowledge.A novelist, sailor, and pilot, he lives in Lucerne, Switzerland.
Have you ever . . .
Invested time in something that, in hindsight, just wasn't worth it?
Paid too much in an eBay auction?
Continued to do something you knew was bad for you?
Sold stocks too late, or too early?
Taken credit for success, but blamed failure on external circumstances?
Backed the wrong horse?
These are examples of what the author calls cognitive biases, simple errors all of us make in day-to-day thinking. But by knowing what they are and how to identify them, we can avoid them and make better choices: whether in dealing with personal problems or business negotiations, trying to save money or earn profits, or merely working out what we really want in life—and strategizing the best way to get it.
Already an international bestseller, The Art of Thinking Clearly distills cutting-edge research from behavioral economics, psychology, and neuroscience into a clever, practical guide for anyone who's ever wanted to be wiser and make better decisions. A novelist, thinker, and entrepreneur, Rolf Dobelli deftly shows that in order to lead happier, more prosperous lives, we don't need extra cunning, new ideas, shiny gadgets, or more frantic hyperactivity—all we need is less irrationality.
Simple, clear, and always surprising, this indispensable book will change the way you think and transform your decision making—at work, at home, every day. From why you shouldn't accept a free drink to why you should walk out of a movie you don't like, from why it's so hard to predict the future to why you shouldn't watch the news, The Art of Thinking Clearly helps solve the puzzle of human reasoning.
The Art of Thinking Clearly epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The Art of Thinking Clearly 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025The Art of Thinking Clearly mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
The Art of Thinking Clearly epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载##其实这本书最直接的标题就是这个,里面列举了52种人类常见的思维误区,各种因为缺乏可靠的客观参照系所产生的判断失误。我觉得这书真是值得人手一本,随身携带,好随时提醒我们自己——别犯蠢! 顺便一提,作者为证明理论举的例子很多也不恰当,说明他在写思维误区的时候也不...
评分##在群体里容易按照他人的想法生活,在孤独中容易按照自己的想法生活。但值得记住的只是那些在群体中保持独立的人。——爱默生 我很庆幸由于从事科学研究的缘故,大多数情况下,我会更倾向于清醒的思考,并且不经意会发现生活中的种种错误。但真正做到“在群体中保持独立”并不...
评分##第8本原著@本书用了99篇简单但是不失重点的小文章讲述了一些常见的认知谬误,其中很多是从进化心理学的角度出发,对于我这种以前没怎么接触过什么心理学内容的人来说,可以作为入门读物。文章难度对我来说适中,纵然很多单词不认识,但是查查也就知道了。每篇文章很短,可以让你及时喘口气,不会陷入茫茫英文单词的大海里无法自拔。其实读到后面我已经忘了大部分前面的内容了,毕竟99个不是个小数目,或许再读一次会印象更深,但我怀疑浮躁的我是否会再读一次。最后的Epilogue是总论,应该不要漏过。 其实这本书的内容很多我都熟悉,有些还是我们经常拿出来在长投的线下课程里面讲的。 例如,第113页“忽视基本概率”中所举的例子。 马库斯是个瘦瘦的男人,他戴眼镜,爱听莫扎特的音乐。 根据以上描述,请你认为以下哪种情况可能性会更大? (1) 马库斯是卡车司机 (2) 马库斯...
The Art of Thinking Clearly epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025