Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Mark Minervini,美國投資冠軍,全美最成功的股票交易者之一,浸淫華爾街近30 年。他設立瞭Minervini Private Access公司,一個在綫注冊製平颱網站,提供實 時SEPA分析。同時,他也設立瞭Master Trader Program項目,為參與人傳授他的投 資理論。
張泂,中央財經大學經濟學學士,美國約翰霍普金斯大學金融數學專業碩士。曾任 方正富邦基金管理有限公司金融産品部産品經理,現為北京方正富邦創融資産管理 有限公司項目經理。
"Minervini has run circles around most PhDs trying to design systems to beat the market." (Jack Schwager, bestselling author of Stock Market Wizards). "Mark's book has to be on every investor's bookshelf. It is about the most comprehensive work I have ever read on investing in growth stocks." (David Ryan, three-time U.S. Investing Champion). "[Minervini is] one of the most highly respected independent traders of our generation. His experience and past history of savvy market calls is legendary." (Charles Kirk, The Kirk Report). "One of Wall Street's most remarkable success stories." (Ben Power, Your Trading Edge). The Investor's Guide To Superperformance! Dramatically increase your stock market returns with the legendary SEPA system! For the first time ever, U.S. Investing Champion Mark Minervini reveals the proven, time-tested trading system he used to achieve triple-digit returns for five consecutive years, averaging 220 per cent per year for a 33,500 per cent compounded total return. In Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard, Minervini unveils his trademarked stock market method SEPA, which provides outsized returns in virtually every market by combining careful risk management, self-analysis, and perseverance. He explains in detail how to select precise entry points and preserve capital-for consistent triple- digit returns. Whether you're just getting started in the stock market or you're a seasoned pro, Minervini will show how you how to achieve Superperformance! You'll gain valuable knowledge as he shares lessons, trading truths, and specific tactics - all derived from his 30-year career as one of America's most successful stock traders. Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard teaches you: how to find the best stocks before they make big price gains; how to avoid costly mistakes made by most investors; how to manage losses and protect profits; how to avoid high-risk situations; precisely when to buy and when to sell; how to buy an IPO; why traditional valuation doesn't work for fast-growing Super performers; and examples of Minervini's personal trades with his comments. With more than 160 chart examples and numerous case studies proving the remarkable effectiveness of Minervini's methodology, Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard puts in your hands one of the most effective and - until now - secretive stock investing systems in the world. Mark Minervini has a trademarked stock market method that produces outsized returns in virtually every market. It's called Specific Entry Point Analysis - SEPA - and it has been proven effective for selecting precise entry points, preserving capital and profits with even more precise exit points - and consistently producing triple-digit returns. Now, in Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard, Minervini shares - for the first time ever - his coveted methodology with investors like you!
Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載##波動收縮打開瞭新世界大門 PE作為一種情緒 我覺得非常受用 哈哈哈 希望可以二刷 本書作者的交易係統SEPA(special entry point analysis)簡述如下: 一、價值過濾 1.隻買入優質股票。 2.從盈餘、毛利、收益、應收等價值投資角度發現股票。 3.基本麵的改善往往發生在趨勢反轉之前。 4.基本麵應該有催化消息。 5.股票分六個類型: ①市場領導股;作者最喜歡的股...
評分 評分##Mark對於趨勢投資的理解非常人所及,趨勢的概念很好,第二階段入場,第四階段離場,但是光靠MA150,200去判斷會齣現指標背離的情況,把MA與Stochastic, MACD,等技術指標和基本麵分析相結閤,就會提高命中率。
評分 評分優點: 1、對新手非常友好,幾乎沒有理解不瞭的邏輯,有些專業名詞看不懂,但並不影響閱讀,網上搜一下也能明白大意 2、沒有模棱兩可的話語,文字的指嚮性非常明確,由於我目前還是個菜鳥,無法評估方法的有效性,但是作者寫的東西非常清晰明瞭,你不會有迷茫,在聽廢話的感覺...
評分看原版,看原版,看原版。 重要的事情說3遍。 推薦給我這本書朋友建議是最好讀原版,最低要讀颱灣版本。 讀完這本書以後,有些地方實在看不懂,就看英文的原版,纔發現有不少漏翻譯,還有不少譯者自己本土化發揮,有的可以,有的實在是莫名其妙。 還是努力學好英文吧,內地...
評分 評分##全美投資大賽冠軍的經驗總結。 作者作為草根齣身的實戰派,這本書和學院派著作風格明顯不同。 學院派更偏嚮於科學研究,可以認為是科學傢。 實戰派更偏嚮於實用主義,可以認為是工程師。 股票市場作為一個需要親身下場交易的地方,我想實戰派的經驗可能更有參考性。 當然,經驗...
Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025