華研原版 兒童英文繪本 Pete the Cat 皮特貓英語閱讀繪本閤集5本盒裝 I Ca epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
華研原版 兒童英文繪本 Pete the Cat 皮特貓英語閱讀繪本閤集5本盒裝 I Ca epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
書名:Pete the Cat's Super Cool Reading Collection皮特貓閱讀繪本閤集5本
作者:James Dean
齣版社名稱:Harper Collins
商品尺寸:15.2 x 1.9 x 13.3 cm
Pete the Cat《皮特貓》是一套在美國傢喻戶曉、幾乎每個孩子必讀的經典繪本,也是全美的情緒繪本,幾乎每個傢庭的孩子都擁有一冊《皮特貓》。《皮特貓》係列有利於培養孩子自信、樂觀、勇敢的品格,它讓孩子學會接納自己、直麵睏難、樂於分享!更重要的是,孩子可以從中學會認知自己的情緒,學會哈哈大笑,變得更自信、更樂觀、更勇敢!
本套Pete the Cat's Super Cool Reading Collection為原版進口五冊盒裝,屬於My First I Can Read係列,英文簡單,故事有趣,適閤子共讀。
Learning to read has never been so groovy! From New York Times bestselling artist and author James Dean, Pete the Cat is sure to make reading fun for early readers.
With five super-cool stories in one box for reading on the go, this collection of My First I Can Reads is perfect for shared reading with a child.
Included in this box are five favorite Pete the Cat I Can Read books:
Pete the Cat: Play Ball!
Pete the Cat: Too Cool for School
Pete the Cat: Pete's Big Lunch
Pete the Cat: Pete at the Beach
Pete the Cat: A Pet for Pete
1.Pete the Cat: Play Ball 《皮特貓玩棒球》(有音頻)
Pete去打棒球,但Pete的錶現並不齣色,他並沒有因此而氣餒,也沒有不開心。因為他覺得He did his best.這故事告訴孩子,結果並不是重要的,努力過就是好的。這些小道理正正傳達給孩子正確看待人生的態度。
Pete the Cat is ready to play baseball! Pete's team, the Rocks, is playing the Rolls. But when the game doesn't go Pete's way, what will Pete do?
2.Pete the Cat: Too Cool for School《學校裏的酷學生》(有音頻)
上學前Pete要自己挑選衣服,但他不知道怎麼穿纔是Cool的。於是他問瞭媽媽,好朋友,老師以及教練的意見,Pete發現穿自己喜歡的衣服纔是cool的。It is ok to be yourself.這就是Pete要告訴孩子的一點,自信地做自己。
Pete the Cat can't decide what to wear to school in Pete the Cat: Too Cool for School. With so many groovy options to choose from, Pete finds the perfect way to show off his creativity.
3.Pete the Cat: Pete’s Big Lunch《皮特的大午餐》(有音頻)
Pete餓瞭,想給自己做一個三文治午餐,他加瞭一條麵包和一條魚,覺得太少瞭不夠飽。於是他不停往上堆食物,做瞭一個大的三文治。他想著吃不完,就叫來瞭他的好朋友一起分享午餐,大傢都很快樂。Sharing is cool.學會分享也是小孩子生活中重要的一課哦。
Pete the Cat makes one giant, tasty sandwich for lunch. But what's the fun in eating lunch without your friends? Young Pete the Cat fans will enjoy Pete's funny food creativity and Pete's joy in sharing with friends.
4.Pete the Cat: Pete At the Beach《皮特貓在海灘》(有音頻)
夏天,要帶孩子去海邊!沒有不愛玩水的孩子。Pete也不例外。但對於下水衝浪,Pete一開始有點兒膽怯,但在媽媽的鼓勵下,他慢慢把腳放進水裏,慢慢走到深處,直到勇敢接受並嘗試衝浪的歡樂。It’sOK to be afraid.其實有所畏懼並沒什麼,隻要勇敢作齣嘗試,便另有一番樂趣。
Pete the Cat is one groovy cat at finding shells and building sand castles at the beach. But when it gets too hot, there’s only one way to cool off—jump into the ocean! Except Pete might be a scaredy-cat when it comes to the water.
5.Pete the Cat: A Pet for Pete《皮特的寵物》(有音頻)
Pete the Cat can’t wait to get a new pet! He gets a goldfish he names Goldie. Pete paints a cool painting of Goldie and now everyone wants a piece of it! But Pete doesn't have enough time to make one for everyone. Will Pete find a way to have fun painting Goldie and have time to finish his homework?
詹姆斯·迪安(James Dean) ,Pete the Cat《皮特貓》係列禦用插畫師,畫瞭10年皮特貓。他的作品在橫跨全美的90多傢畫廊和商店齣售。詹姆斯和同樣是藝術傢的妻子金,還有他的5隻貓(鮑勃、弗裏達、約科、奧德利和瑪麗蓮)生活在一起。
James Dean’s art has sold in more than ninety galleries and shops across the United States. He has devoted his paintings to Pete the Cat for fifteen years and has turned his natural love for cats into his life’s work. James published his first adult book, The Misadventures of Pete the Cat, a history of his artwork, in 2006. He illustrated his first self-published children’s book, Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, in 2008, and the follow-up book, Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes, in 2011. James lives in Savannah, Georgia, with his wife, four cats, and one dog. You can visit him online at www.petethecat.com.
華研原版 兒童英文繪本 Pete the Cat 皮特貓英語閱讀繪本閤集5本盒裝 I Ca epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
華研原版 兒童英文繪本 Pete the Cat 皮特貓英語閱讀繪本閤集5本盒裝 I Ca 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書華研原版 兒童英文繪本 Pete the Cat 皮特貓英語閱讀繪本閤集5本盒裝 I Ca mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
華研原版 兒童英文繪本 Pete the Cat 皮特貓英語閱讀繪本閤集5本盒裝 I Ca epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載評分
華研原版 兒童英文繪本 Pete the Cat 皮特貓英語閱讀繪本閤集5本盒裝 I Ca epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025