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In Cold Blood[冷血殺手] [平裝] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

Truman Capote 著



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齣版社: Penguin Classics

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《冷血》(英文:In Cold Blood)是美國作傢楚門·卡波特於1966齣版的小說,詳述1959年一起位於堪薩斯州霍爾庫姆,優渥農人赫伯特·剋拉特一傢遭滅門的殘暴凶殺案。卡波特獲悉此事後,與好友作傢哈波·李決定一同前往當地進行調查。他們訪問瞭當地居民與該案的調查人員,摘記瞭上韆頁的紀錄。凶手狄剋與貝利在犯案後不久被逮捕,卡波特隨後耗盡六年心血著成此書。《冷血》被公認是非虛構小說鼻祖及新新聞主義先驅,同時也成瞭卡波特的經典代錶作之一。

Controversial and compelling, In Cold Blood reconstructs the murder in 1959 of a Kansas farmer, his wife and both their children. Truman Capote's comprehensive study of the killings and subsequent investigation explores the circumstances surrounding this terrible crime and the effect it had on those involved. At the centre of his study are the amoral young killers Perry Smith and Dick Hickcock, who, vividly drawn by Capote, are shown to be reprehensible yet entirely and frighteningly human.

The book that made Capote's name, In Cold Blood is a seminal work of modern prose, a remarkable synthesis of journalistic skill and powerfully evocative narrative.


杜魯門?卡波特是美國文學史上著名的南方文學作傢,齣生於路易西安那州,成長於阿拉巴馬州,與另一名同樣來自南方的作傢田納西?威廉姆斯(Tennessee Williams)齊名。卡波特九歲搬至紐約市,從小在文學方麵就嶄露頭角。他記憶力極佳,年紀很小就能寫齣超齡的文章。不但常在校刊發錶作品,也攬獲瞭不少作文比賽的首奬。十七歲從高中輟學,隨後進入《紐約客》(New Yorker)打工,最終也成瞭《紐約客》的專欄作傢。他最著名的作品之一為發錶於1958年的《蒂凡尼早餐》(Breakfast at Tiffany's),這部小說於1961年被好萊塢改編成電影。
然而真正奠定卡波特文壇地位的作品則是發錶於1966年的《冷血殺手》(In Cold Blood)一書。 卡波特是否真為非虛構小說的開山鼻祖,文壇爭論許久,但可以肯定的是《冷血殺手》的寫作手法與卡波特本身的文學纔氣影響瞭許多知名的後輩作傢。如我們熟悉的村上春樹就屢次推崇卡波特影響自己至深,《地下鐵事件》一書裏采用的報導文學手法很容易讓人聯想到《冷血殺手》。 1965年《冷血殺手》在紐約客上連載,1966年正式齣版,從此盤踞瞭暢銷排行首位長達一整年,售齣瞭數百萬冊。隔年改編為同名電影,卡波特名利雙收。
卡波特是一名同性戀者,熱愛參加各式”上流社會”的聚會。他言辭風趣辛辣、妙語如珠,在紐約的名流派對圈是相當活躍的人物。然而他也有著重度酒癮與藥癮,寫齣《冷血殺手》後幾乎再沒有像樣的作品問世。也許糟糕的身體狀況鉗製瞭他的寫作纔華,晚年的荒淫縱欲與不知節製,使卡波特與許多曾纔華洋溢到不可一世的藝術傢一樣,人生舞颱結束得並不精彩。 1984年八月一晚卡波特因用藥過度猝死於一名女性友人傢裏,享年五十九歲。

Truman Capote was born in New Orleans in 1925 and was raised in various parts of the south, his family spending winters in New Orleans and summers in Alabama and New Georgia. By the age of fourteen he had already started writing short stories, some of which were published. He left school when he was fifteen and subsequently worked for the New Yorker which provided his first - and last - regular job. Following his spell with the New Yorker, Capote spent two years on a Louisiana farm where he wrote Other Voices, Other Rooms (1948). He lived, at one time or another, in Greece, Italy, Africa and the West Indies, and travelled in Russia and the Orient. He is the author of many highly praised books, including A Tree of Night and Other Stories (1949), The Grass Harp (1951), Breakfast at Tiffany's (1958), In Cold Blood (1965), which immediately became the centre of a storm of controversy on its publication, Music for Chameleons (1980) and Answered Prayers (1986), all of which are published by Penguin. Truman Capote died in August 1984.


**"There's got to be something wrong with somebody who'd do a thing like that." This is Perry Edward Smith, talking about himself. "Deal me out, baby... I'm a normal." This is Richard Eugene Hickock, talking about himself. They're as sick a pair as Leopold and Loeb and together they killed a mother, a father, a pretty seventeen year old and her brother, none of whom they'd seen before, in cold blood. A couple of days before they had bought a 100 foot rope to garrote them - enough for ten people if necessary. This small pogrom took place in Holcomb, Kansas, a lonesome town on a flat, limitless landscape: a depot, a store, a cafe, two filling stations, 270 inhabitants. The natives refer to it as "out there." It occurred in 1959 and Capote has spent five years, almost all of the time which has since elapsed, in following up this crime which made no sense, had no motive, left few clues - Just a footprint and a remembered conversation. Capote's alternating dossier Shifts from the victims, the Clutter family, to the boy who had loved Nancy Clutter, and her best friend, to the neighbors, and to the recently paroled perpetrators: Perry, with a stunted child's legs and a changeling's face, and Dick, who had one squinting eye but a "smile that works." They had been cellmates at the Kansas State Penitentiary where another prisoner had told them about the Clutters - he'd hired out once on Mr. Clutter's farm and thought that Mr. Clutter was perhaps rich. And this is the lead which finally broke the case after Perry and Dick had drifted down to Mexico, back to the midwest, been seen in Kansas City, and were finally picked up in Las Vegas. The last, even more terrible chapters, deal with their confessions, the law man who wanted to see them hanged, back to back, the trial begun in 1960, the post-ponements of the execution, and finally the walk to "The Corner" and Perry's soft-spoken words - "It would be meaningless to apologize for what I did. Even inappropriate. But I do. I apologize."... It's a magnificent Job - this American tragedy - with the incomparable Capote touches throughout. There may never have been a perfect crime, but if there ever has been a perfect reconstruction of one, surely this must be it. (Kirkus Reviews)


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