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The BFG 好心眼兒巨人 英文原版 [平裝] [7歲及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

The BFG 好心眼兒巨人 英文原版 [平裝] [7歲及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025

Roald Dahl(羅爾德·達爾) 著,Quentin Blake(昆汀·布萊剋) 繪




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齣版社: Penguin US

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Evidently not even Roald Dahl could resist the acronym craze of the early eighties. BFG? Bellowing ferret-faced golfer? Backstabbing fairy godmother? Oh, oh ... Big Friendly Giant! This BFG doesn't seem all that F at first as he creeps down a London street, snatches little Sophie out of her bed, and bounds away with her to giant land. And he's not really all that B when compared with his evil, carnivorous brethren, who bully him for being such an oddball runt. After all, he eats only disgusting snozzcumbers, and while the other Gs are snacking on little boys and girls, he's blowing happy dreams in through their windows. What kind of way is that for a G to behave?

The BFG is one of Dahl's most lovable character creations. Whether galloping off with Sophie nestled into the soft skin of his ear to capture dreams as though they were exotic butterflies; speaking his delightful, jumbled, squib-fangled patois; or whizzpopping for the Queen, he leaves an indelible impression of bigheartedness. (Ages 9 to 12)

Dahl's elemental fix on kids' consciousness gets this off to a surefire shivery start, with orphan Sophie, awake st the witching hour, snatched from her bed by a giant hand and carried off to a land of giants clear off the last page of the atlas. But Sophie's kidnapper is really friendly (hence BFG for Big Friendly Giant) and does not eat humans as she had feared, but occupies himself gathering and dispensing dreams. He also expresses himself in a mixed-up, cutesy manner that is simply tiresome. Nearby, however, are nine still-bigger giants who do eat humans ("I is a nice and jumbly giant" but "human beans is like strawbunkles and cream to those giants," says the BFG) - and it's to protect the world from them that Sophie and the BFG hatch a scheme: He will mix a dream from his collection and send it to the Queen of England to apprise her of the threat; then, when she awakens, Sophie will be on her windowsill, and the BFG waiting in the garden, to convince her that the dream is true. And so it is that we find Sophie and the BFG breakfasting with Her Majesty . . . and the BFG violating all decorum, even to letting fly a glumptious whizzpopper (kids would call it a fart). Nevertheless the Queen is impressed and sends off her military men, who, under the BFG's direction, rope the sleeping giants and haul them back by helicopter to be imprisoned in a giant pit. This is all told in Dahl's higgledy-piggledy home-made manner, which is rarely disarming here despite the pandering. And it's hard to find the bumble-tongued BFG endearing. (Kirkus Reviews) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


“Well, first of all, “ said the BFG, “human beans is not really believing in giants, is they? Human beans is not thinking we exist.” Sophie discovers that giants not only exist, but that there are a great many of them who like to guzzle and swallomp nice little chiddlers. But not the Big Friendly Giant. He and Sophie cook up an ingenious plot to free the world of troggle-humping —— forever. Performed by Natasha Richardson Annotation Kidsnatched from her orphanage by a BFG (Big Friendly Giant), who spends his life blowing happy dreams to children, Sophie concocts with him a plan to save the world from nine other man-gobbling cannybull giants.

  這個童話講的是一個女孩和一個巨人的故事。巨人國裏,一般巨人都長得很高,都有50英尺,隻有一個巨人顯得很矮,僅僅是25英尺,所以其他巨人從來不認為他是巨人,而叫他“小矮子”。不同的是,50英尺巨人們是要吃人的,吃人的時候就像嚼豆子,他們稱人為“人豆子”。 而小矮子巨人卻是個不吃人的好心眼兒巨人。他隻吃難吃的大鼻子瓜,所以有點發育不良。他會製造夢。當彆的巨人每天晚上跑到世界各地吃人的時候,他卻悄悄地來到小朋友的窗前,把好夢用小號吹進孩子們的頭腦裏去。可是小朋友卻從來不知道他的存在。直到有一天,一個名叫索菲的小女孩發現瞭他。他怕被彆的巨人發現,就把索菲帶迴瞭巨人國,藏在自己的洞裏,為瞭保護索菲,他勇敢地和喝血巨人鬥誌鬥勇。他收藏瞭幾韆幾萬個夢。他帶索菲去夢鄉捕捉甜美的夢,也把惡夢緊緊的封在瓶子裏,以免它們跑到小朋友的頭腦裏去。索菲差點兒被壞巨人吃掉,是好心眼兒巨人保護瞭她。他熱情又天真,而且很聽索菲的話,他還經常把索菲放在他的耳朵裏帶著她飛。為瞭阻止其他巨人繼續吃人,他和索菲一起為女王配製瞭一個逼真的夢,成功的說服瞭女王,並最終製服瞭巨人。


Roald Dahl was born in 1916 in Wales of Norwegian parents. He began writing after a 'monumental bash on the head', sustained as an RAF pilot during WW2. Roald Dahl is one of the most successful and well-known of all children's writers. His books include CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, THE BFG and MATILDA. Roald Dahl died in 1990 at the age of seventy-four.
Roald Dahl (1916-1990) was born in Wales of Norwegian parents. He spent his childhood in England and, at age eighteen, went to work for the Shell Oil Company in Africa. When World War II broke out, he joined the Royal Air Force and became a fighter pilot. At the age of twenty-six he moved to Washington, D.C., and it was there he began to write. His first short story, which recounted his adventures in the war, was bought by The Saturday Evening Post, and so began a long and illustrious career.
After establishing himself as a writer for adults, Roald Dahl began writing children’s stories in 1960 while living in England with his family. His first stories were written as entertainment for his own children, to whom many of his books are dedicated.
Roald Dahl is now considered one of the most beloved storytellers of our time. Although he passed away in 1990, his popularity continues to increase as his fantastic novels, including James and the Giant Peach, Matilda, The BFG, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, delight an ever-growing legion of fans.

Quentin Blake is a well-known artist whose work has made him popular on both sides of the Atlantic. He has illustrated most of Roald Dahl’s children’s books as well as many others. He lives in London, where he teaches illustration at the Royal College of Art.

  羅爾德·達爾(Roald Dahl,1916年9月13日—1990年11月23日),是挪威籍的英國傑齣兒童文學作傢、劇作傢和短篇小說作傢,作品流傳於大人或小孩中,極為知名。 他比較著名的作品有:如《詹姆斯和大仙桃》、《查裏和巧剋力工廠》、《好心眼的巨人》、《女巫》、《瞭不起的狐狸爸爸》、《瑪蒂爾達》等等,其魔力勝過語言和國界,同時他本人的傳奇經曆也像童話裏的人物一樣賦有神奇力量,成為“哈梅林的魔笛手”(The Pied Piper of Hamelin),凡是讀過其書的孩子全都情不自禁迷倒在他創造的暢快淋灕的魔力世界,無一幸免。

  昆汀·布萊剋(Quentin Blake) 是當代英國兒童文學界負盛名的插圖畫傢和作傢,2013年新年,80歲的他被授予爵士爵位。
  早期他的插畫工作多是為成人雜誌、書籍,直到1960年纔開始與文字作者閤作,投入兒童圖畫書的插畫工作。1968年昆汀有瞭一部自寫自畫的作品《派剋的小提琴》。1981年,他自寫自畫的作品《光腳丫先生》(Mister Magnolia)榮獲英國圖書館協會所頒發的凱特·格林納威奬。1999年對他而言更是實至名歸的一年,成為英國一位兒童文學桂冠作傢(Children’s Laureate),2002年又獲得國際兒童讀物著名奬項:國際安徒生大奬,此外,他還獲得過惠特布雷德奬、波隆那國際兒童書展十佳童書奬等。



"Roald Dahl and Quentin Blake are uncanny in their understanding of what children like to read and see. Sophie, an eight-year-old orphan, is kidnapped by the BFG (Big Friendly Giant) and taken to Giantland, where [her] alliance with the BFG and the queen of England results in the capture of the nine evil giants. Children will enjoy this book."
--The New York Times Book Review


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