The House that Jack Built [精裝] [3歲及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The House that Jack Built [精裝] [3歲及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The House that Jack Built [精裝] [3歲及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The House that Jack Built [精裝] [3歲及以上] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書The House that Jack Built [精裝] [3歲及以上] mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
The House that Jack Built [精裝] [3歲及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載囤瞭不少小金書,還沒開始親子閱讀
評分This is a collection of five extremely good stories all about absolutely very important things like making friends, being independent and even taking part in your very first school sports day! It contains: 'You can be my friend', 'Help! I really mean it', 'I am really, really concentrating', 'I can do anything that's everything all on my own', and 'Charlie is broken'.
評分Based on the award-winning books by Lauren Child, Charlie and Lola is now a top-rated BBC children's television show and a huge international hit. Lauren is also the multi-talented prize-winning creator of Clarice Bean. Charlie and Lola is produced by Tiger Aspect Productions, one of the UK's most successful and prolific independent television producers.This is a collection of five extremely good stories all about absolutely very important things like making friends, being independent and even taking part in your very first school sports day! It contains: 'You can be my friend', 'Help! I really mean it', 'I am really, really concentrating', 'I can do anything that's everything all on my own', and 'Charlie is broken'.
評分這次買的繪本很是滿意,幾乎寶寶都愛看,講幾遍,都會自己講這個故事瞭。書不錯,買得值!從小我就喜歡讀書。在燦爛的陽光中,在膝上攤開一本書,聞著薄薄的紙上散發齣的淡淡的油墨的清香,旁邊放上一杯水,聽風吹開書頁的美妙聲音。媽媽為瞭熏陶我愛讀書的品性,在傢的牆壁上安裝瞭一個紅色的小書架,我總是站在前麵,仰著頭看那些花花綠綠的小冊子,我知道,對書的喜愛,從那時起,就深深地印在瞭我的心裏。 無論是厚重肅穆的字典、精巧感人的小說、空靈芳馨的散文集,抑或是精闢真摯的小故事,他們或讓我瞭解瞭人生的至真至純,或使我懂得瞭世界的廣大、知識的無限,但對我影響最深的還是一本叫做再試一次的書。我的數學一嚮不好,無論我怎麼認真聽講,努力做題,成績永遠是在80分上下晃悠。來迴考瞭幾次成績都無太大變化,我有點心灰意冷地想放棄努力。看到我不思進取想後退的破罐子破摔的行為,媽媽沒有多言語些什麼。隻是在我生日時,送給我一本書,名字叫再試一次。這是一本並不起眼的書,淡藍色的封皮,淡雅而普通。講的是一個大學生畢業後在商海中艱苦創業摸爬滾打,失敗瞭許多次最終成為百萬富翁的故事。情節並不時髦,甚至有些俗套,但是有一句話讓我印象很深“當你失敗瞭許多次的時候,韆萬不要放棄,因為如果此時失去成功的信念,之前的失敗就白費瞭,每一次失敗都是成功對你的考驗,多一次失敗你就離成功又進瞭一步,再試一次,或許你就成功瞭。”這本書,告訴瞭我短短的兩句話,卻又是一個對我影響深遠的道理。我瞭解到瞭媽媽的良苦用心,在以後的學習中,每當我失敗後傷心沮喪時,我就會想起這本再試一次,我總是在心裏對自己說“再試一次,我就會成功”,終於,我的數學成績一躍排在瞭班中的前幾名。麵對著我的進步,我笑瞭,媽媽笑瞭,我覺得那本書,也笑瞭。 其實我真的應該感謝書,書不僅給瞭我許多有形的知識,更給我注入瞭許多無形的力量,教給瞭我許多深刻的道理,為我人生的航程指明瞭方嚮。再美的花兒也會凋零,再絢麗的彩虹也會消失,但隻要有瞭書將它們珍藏其中,便會成為永恒的美麗。讀書的好處說有就有,說沒有就沒有,這要看讀什麼書,怎樣讀書,就像世上既有不識字的流浪漢,也有滿腹經綸的窮秀纔一樣。然而,沒有文化卻不可能成為名醫、工程師,研製不齣原子彈,造不齣航母,要想成為社會名流、帶動生産力的進步,不讀書是絕對不可能的。正如俄羅斯文學傢高爾基說的,書是人類進步的階梯。當今社會正是知識社會,信息社會,可以推測一個沒有文化的人要在社會上立足是何其難,要是連食品藥品說明書都看不懂,那該多不方便呀。因此,趁著年輕,努力學習、努力讀書吧。它會使你變得聰明,給你插上騰飛的翅膀,在社會中翱翔!
評分Based on the award-winning books by Lauren Child, Charlie and Lola is now a top-rated BBC children's television show and a huge international hit. Lauren is also the multi-talented prize-winning creator of Clarice Bean. Charlie and Lola is produced by Tiger Aspect Productions, one of the UK's most successful and prolific independent television producers.This is a collection of five extremely good stories all about absolutely very important things like making friends, being independent and even taking part in your very first school sports day! It contains: 'You can be my friend', 'Help! I really mean it', 'I am really, really concentrating', 'I can do anything that's everything all on my own', and 'Charlie is broken'.
評分Based on the award-winning books by Lauren Child, Charlie and Lola is now a top-rated BBC children's television show and a huge international hit. Lauren is also the multi-talented prize-winning creator of Clarice Bean. Charlie and Lola is produced by Tiger Aspect Productions, one of the UK's most successful and prolific independent television producers.This is a collection of five extremely good stories all about absolutely very important things like making friends, being independent and even taking part in your very first school sports day! It contains: 'You can be my friend', 'Help! I really mean it', 'I am really, really concentrating', 'I can do anything that's everything all on my own', and 'Charlie is broken'.
The House that Jack Built [精裝] [3歲及以上] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025