This is the story of a man named Charley who loses his job, leaves his family, and decides, one night, to end his life. Somewhere between this world and the next, he encounters his mother, who died years ago, and he spends one last day with her - a day he never had on earth. This 'ordinary' day covers the whole of their existence, and reveals how Charley, like many children, was constantly forced to choose between his mother and his father. He gets the chance many of us yearn for - to ask the questions never asked while our parents are alive. In the end, Charley learns how little he really knew about his mother, how her love saved their family, and how deeply he wants the chance to save his own
让某个辞世已久的亲人,陪你再过一天。只有一天。如果可以如愿,你需不需要这样的机会? 机会,在一个尴尬的时刻,落到了查尔斯·贝奈特头上。这位退役棒球运动员在挫折与酒精的消磨中,已经找不到任何活下去的理由——事业碰壁,婚姻破裂,酗酒成瘾,众叛亲离,就连女儿的婚礼都不愿意让他露面……查尔斯起了轻生之念,他以为只要一辆高速运行的汽车,一次忘我的狂奔,就可以挥手作别,不带走一片云彩。然而,电光火石中,他的肉身徘徊在此境与彼岸之间;恍然苏醒,他竟然看到了多年前就意外去世的母亲。 母亲引他走进昨天。昨天是一个又一个熟悉的陌生人,一场又一场角度诡异的悲喜剧,一串又一串彼此纠缠的心结。沿着母亲指的路,查尔斯的归宿究竟通往何方?一日顿悟,是否足以改变一生? 米奇·阿尔博姆对于人生的感悟,如同一粒生生不息的种子,自《相约星期二》萌生,于《你在天堂里遇见的五个人》中划出了一道悠长的弧线,落到《一日重生》,便稳稳地扎下根来。土壤是世态人心,根是爱。 作者简介
Mitch Albom is the author of the international bestsellers The Five People You Meet in Heaven and Tuesdays with Morrie, as well as six other books. He also writes screenplays and stage plays. Albom servers on numerous charitable boards and has funded three charities in the Detroit area. He lives with his wife, Janine, in Michigan.
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For One More Day 一日重生 英文原版 [平装] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2024