Amelia Bedelia's Family Album (I Can Read, Level 2)阿米莉亞·貝迪莉亞的傢庭相冊 [平裝] [4-8歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Amelia Bedelia's Family Album (I Can Read, Level 2)阿米莉亞·貝迪莉亞的傢庭相冊 [平裝] [4-8歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
"Amelia Bedelia and her misunderstandings have entertained children for years; now readers can meet Amelia's relatives, who are just as wacky as she is. For beginners, Amelia's mother is a loafer (she makes bread), her father is a telephone operator (he repairs phones), her cousin is a boxer (he makes boxes) and her nephew is a catcher (he catches mumps, measles, etc.). Mr. and Mrs. Rogers listen attentively to Amelia Bedelia's family lore, and insist that she invite everybody to the party. With her usual literal-mindedness, Amelia Bedelia misinterprets "everybody," and the party is more inclusive than the Rogerses had intended. Parish and Sweat have produced a radiant look at everyone's favorite maid. But while the illustrations are sprinkled wth humor, the text itself is a bit flat and somewhat repetitive for older readers. Those just beginning to read by themselves will love this; and all readers will be happy to discover that Amelia Bedelia is not one of a kind."
--Publishers Weekly
Amelia Bedelia's Family Album (I Can Read, Level 2)阿米莉亞·貝迪莉亞的傢庭相冊 [平裝] [4-8歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Amelia Bedelia's Family Album (I Can Read, Level 2)阿米莉亞·貝迪莉亞的傢庭相冊 [平裝] [4-8歲] 下載 epub mobi pdf txt 電子書Amelia Bedelia's Family Album (I Can Read, Level 2)阿米莉亞·貝迪莉亞的傢庭相冊 [平裝] [4-8歲] mobi pdf epub txt 電子書 下載 2025
Amelia Bedelia's Family Album (I Can Read, Level 2)阿米莉亞·貝迪莉亞的傢庭相冊 [平裝] [4-8歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載在那些新穎、鮮活、生動的童話中,我找到瞭另一個多彩而真實的世界,幼小的心靈認識和感受到瞭什麼是真善美,什麼是假醜惡,要以充滿童真的心看待自己身邊的一切。我更清晰地認識到:並不是所有人都是善良的,惡毒的人總會遭到懲罰。灰姑娘沒有得到愛心,但是她卻珍惜自己的愛心,沒有因為彆人不能夠給予自己愛心就變得惡毒起來。她把自己的愛心用在瞭對母親的傾訴上,她把自己的愛心用在瞭對小鳥的交往上,用在瞭那株美麗的大榛樹上……更重要的是她並沒有因為境遇不好而放棄美好的追求。盡管受盡瞭繼母與姐姐們的欺負與侮辱,但心地依舊善良的她,最終獲得瞭幸福。
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評分價錢是很不錯,ICANread 活動比較多,書本質量也是很不錯的。Mr. and Mrs. Rogers want to have a party for Amelia Bedelia. The three pore through Amelia's family album to select the guests, while Amelia Bedelia tells what each family me er does. Each description, of course, is open to gross misinterpretation as Amelia gives each occupation its own special twist. Her cousin, a boxer, packs boxes; Aunt Mary, a bank teller, tells people in the bank where to go; her cousin Chester is a printer who can't use "proper writing"; and her bookkeeper cousin keeps books instead of returning them. While this is not as clever or funny as some of the other Amelia Bedelia books, and some of the jokes will fall flat, the exploration of the nonsense and absurdity to be found in learning the English language probably will continue its appeal for early readers. Sweat's cheerful cartoon watercolors faithfully interpret Parish's text, and add the necessary information for understanding Amelia's descriptions.故事很有趣,書本太多,小朋友都來不及看
Amelia Bedelia's Family Album (I Can Read, Level 2)阿米莉亞·貝迪莉亞的傢庭相冊 [平裝] [4-8歲] epub pdf mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025