書 名:IELTS劍橋雅思寫作高分範文
書 號:9787553618395
定 價:38.00
作 者:劉巍巍,方林
齣 版 社:浙江教育齣版社
開 本:16開
頁 碼:248頁
重 量:約480g
本書收集瞭近十年來在雅思A類和G類寫作考試的Task 2中齣現過的各類題材的議論文寫作題,並且為每道雅思題目提供瞭高質量的範文。除瞭範文之外,每一道雅思題目的後麵還附有單詞注解、漢語譯文、特彆提醒、相關題目、寫作點撥、詞匯升級、句型升級、論據積纍等自學輔導欄目。考生可登錄www.dogwood.com.cn/mp3/jqysxz下載本書配套音頻,或掃描封底二維碼即可收聽。
香港理工大學英文係博士,新東方教育科技集團資深教師。2005年、2006年、2007年“新東方教育科技集團優秀教師奬”得主。 20歲登上新東方講颱,曾被學生曾被學員稱為“神童”教師,迄今麵授過近十萬學子。英文功底深厚,授課風格冷靜、理智,以理性和實效著稱。 曾多次主持和參加新東方新教師培訓工作,多次赴海外參加國際學術交流活動,並在《羊城晚報》等主流媒體上發錶雅思專題文章。
資深英漢同聲傳譯譯員,畢業於上海外國語大學高級翻譯學院,獲翻譯學碩士學位,並先後獲得聯閤國、歐盟等國際機構認證的國際會議口譯資格證,包括交替傳譯、同聲傳譯兩部分。 曾多次承擔大型國際會議的同聲傳譯工作,在同聲傳譯、英漢筆譯以及英語寫作等領域有著豐富的教學和實戰經驗。 1. In the past, people spent their entire lives doing one job. But nowadays, they change their jobs frequently. Please give the reasons and your suggestions. 2
2. What are the main tasks of universities: to offer students knowledge and skills essential for their future career, or to provide students with access to knowledge itself? What do you think university education should contain? 4
3. Should government pay for medical care and education? Why? 6
4. What is it in the mass media that has negative effects on teenagers and what measures should governments take to solve this problem? 8
5. Nowadays computers are widely used in education. As a result, some people think teachers no longer play important roles in classrooms. To what extend do you agree or disagree? 10
6. Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. Do you agree or disagree? 12
7. Some people think that children should learn to compete, but others think that children should be taught to co-operate so that they could become more useful adults. State some reasons for both views and give your opinion. 14
8. The culture of different countries are becoming increasingly similar, so there is no point for people to go traveling abroad for they could have the same experience at home. Do you agree or disagree? 16
9. Some people think that people will forget their own tradition and history because they no longer wear their traditional costumes. Do you agree or disagree? 18
10. Traditional food is undergoing great changes and being replaced by new diets. What do you think are the reasons and what do you think about this phenomenon? 20
11. Some people think the Olympic Games will no longer play an important role in the 21st century, and the 2004 game should be the last one. Do you agree or disagree? 22
12. In most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. Discuss the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions. 24
13. The world of work is changing rapidly. People today no longer take one job for life. Discuss the causes of these changes. What suggestions would you make for young people to prepare themselves for the work in future? 26
14. As science and technology co
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