卡拉.M. 约翰斯通(Karla M. Johnstone),博士、注册会计师,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校商学院会计信息系统教授。奥德丽.A. 格拉姆林(Audrey A. Gramling),博士、注册会计师、国际注册内部审计师,贝拉明大学会计系主任。拉里.E. 里滕伯格(Larry E. Rittenberg),博士、注册会计师、国际注册内部审计师,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校商学院会计信息系统系名誉教授。
第一章 审计:保障经济的必要机制
第二章 舞弊风险与应对舞弊的机制:监管、公司治理与审计质量
第三章 财务报告内部控制:管理层的责任和对外部审计师的重要性
第四章 职业责任以及对高质量判断和道德决策的需求
第五章 审计准则和审计意见形成过程
第六章 一个审计证据框架
第七章 计划审计工作:对重大错报风险的识别和反应
第八章 特殊审计工具:抽样审计软件和通用审计软件(本章删除)
第九章 收入循环审计
第十章 现金和有价证券审计
第十一章 存货、商品与服务以及应付账款审计:采购与付款循环
第十二章 长期资产审计:采购、使用、减值和处置
第十三章 负债与股东权益交易审计
第十四章 完成高质量审计所需的活动
第十五章 财务报表审计报告
第十六章 复杂审计判断的前沿课题(本章删除)
第十七章 会计师事务所提供的其他服务(本章删除)
《审计 以风险导向法实施高质量审计(第9版)》:
After determining significanr accounts and relevant assertions, the auditor reviews management's documentation of its internal control and management's evaluation and findings related to internal control effectiveness.
The audiror had previously reviewed and tested the control environment and other entity-wide controls and had evaluated them as effective.The auditor then determined that the following were the important controls in this process (for discussion purposes, we will again concentrate on the purchasing process and assume that the auditor did not find any material weaknesses in the orher processes):
Only authorizeci goods are purchased from authorized vendors.
Purchase prices are negotiated by contract or from bids.
All purchases are delwered to the organization and received by a separate receiving department.
All purchases are recorded in a timely fashion and are appropriarely classified.
Payments are made only for goods that are received.
Payments are made consistent with the purchase orders or contracrs.
Payments are made in a timely fashion.
The auditor gathers evidence on the operating effectiveness of these controls as of the client's year end for the opinion on internal control effectiveness and on operating effectiveness throughout the year for the financial statement auclit.Because much of the process is computerized, the auditor performs computer security tests to assure that access controls are working properly and there is adequate control over program changes.The auditor determines that those conrrols are effective.
审计 以风险导向法实施高质量审计(第9版) epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
审计 以风险导向法实施高质量审计(第9版) 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025