微软启示录:比尔·盖茨语录 [Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
微软启示录:比尔·盖茨语录 [Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Acquiring Other Companies
We’ve done a number of acquisitions in our history.… A lot of the time, the reason we do the acquisition is, when we see a market developing very rapidly … we want to reduce the amount of time it takes us to get in there, get working with customers, get the feedback that’s valuable.
—Keynote speech, San Jose State, January 27, 1998
Analyzing Other Companies
We focus on what companies do well as opposed to what they do poorly. We don’t dismiss a company as unimportant just because a lot of things about it may be less than perfect. The company may be doing something important; it may not even know that it is important.
—New York Times News Service/Syndicate, February 19, 1996
Andy Grove
Andy Grove is an incredible CEO. He’s big on picking objectives, and driving the company towards that objective. He’s big on clarity. He is an engineering manager, par excellence.
—Keynote speech, San Jose State, January 27, 1998
To create a new standard, it takes something that’s not just a little bit different; it takes something that’s really new, and really captures people’s imagination. And the Macintosh—of all the machines I’ve seen—is the only one that meets that standard.
—Speech, 1984
要想创造一个新标准,一点点的与众不同是不够的,而是需要一些真的很新颖的东西,确确实实能抓住人们想象力的东西。在所有我见过的机器当中,只有Mac 电脑达到了这个标准。
——演讲,1984 年
Bad News
There is a tendency in companies to let good news travel fast. Oh, we just won this account. Oh, things went so well. But, the thing about good news is, it’s generally not actionable…. Bad news, on the other hand, is actionable. This customer is not very happy. This competitor is doing something very well. This project is behind…. The sooner you get the bad news, the better off you’re going to be, in order to kind of absorb it, to change your product plan, to go back and talk to the people, really dig into it. So when somebody sends me mail saying, you know, we won XYZ account for Exchange. I send mail back and say, does that mean we lost every other account, because you only sent me mail on one account? Tell me about the ones we lost, and why?
And so that’s really gotten into our culture.
—Keynote speech, San Jose State, January 27, 1998
很多公司喜欢听好消息。哦,我们又赢得了一个客户;哦,事情进展得如此顺利。但是,好消息通常不会有实际价值。……相反,坏消息才比较实用。顾客不满意,竞争对手表现出色,项目进度滞后。……你越早得到坏消息,结果就会越好。你会为了纠正它,为了改变产品计划,为了反省和跟人讨论,真的深入去研究这个坏消息。所以,每当有人发邮件给我,比如报告Exchange 软件又赢得了什么客户,我就会回信问他,这是否意味着我们丢失了所有其他客户,因为你只来信说赢得了这一个客户?告诉我我们丢失了哪些客户,以及丢失的原因。就这样,这种做法已完全融入了我们的文化。
Being CEO
Steve Ballmer said … that the responsibility of being CEO was more burdensome than he had expected. Well, I told him before he took the job that it was an inhuman job. It makes infinite demands on you, and I feel very lucky that I have Steve. I think he’s stepping into the shoes exactly the way I hoped he would.
—Newsweek, April 16, 2000
史蒂夫·鲍尔默说……CEO 这个职位的责任,比他想的沉重得多。关于这一点,我在他就职前就跟他说过,这是一个非人的工作。它对你有无限的要求。我感到很幸运,因为有史蒂夫帮我。我觉得他正在进入角色,与我希望的样子完全相符。
Being in Charge
[In high school I told the other programmers], “Look, if you want me to come back you have to let me be in charge. But this is a dangerous thing, because if you put me in charge this time, I’m going to want to be in charge forever after.”
—Smithsonian Institution Oral and Video Histories, 2003
——史密森学会口述历史档案,2003 年
Being the Face of Microsoft
Externally, people tend to identify the company with one person. It’s a natural thing so I’ve had mostly the minuses, but [also] the pluses of that.
—Newsweek, June 23, 1997
People’s perception of the importance of my role is certainly greater than the reality.
—Newsweek, December 1, 1996
The world has had a tendency to focus a disproportionate amount of attention on me.
—U.S. News & World Report, June 16, 2006
A breakthrough is something that changes the behavior of hundreds of millions of people where, if you took it away from them, they’d say, “You can’t take that away from me.” Breakthroughs are critical for us. All we get paid for are breakthroughs, because people who have our software today can keep using it forever and not pay us another dime.
—Newsweek, November 24, 2003
Business Computing
[A business’s] corporate memory is not very good unless somebody who is working on a project can sit down at their PC and in less than 60 seconds call up any memos or documents that might relate to a similar project that was done in the past. If it takes more time than that, people probably won’t go and find it.
—Speech, Enterprise Perspective, March 24, 1999
Business Customers
One thing that never comes out is that the software business is bigger selling to businesses than it is to consumers. Microsoft is really in touch with what are the practicalities, how do you make workers more productive, what are the pains in an IT department, what does corporate site development involve. We have built up over the decades the real ability to have great ongoing dialog with businesses about how they do their software and what they do. We have a very strong position.
—PC Magazine, June 23, 2008
软件业从未曝光的一件事是:商业软件的销售额要大于个人软件。微软真的一直在跟进什么样的软件更实用,怎样提高工人的生产效率,IT 部门最头痛的是什么事,公司网站的开发需要什么。几十年来,关于企业怎么使用他们的软件,用来做什么,我们培养了与他们进行卓有成效对话的能力。我们的优势很明显。
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
—Business @ the Speed of Thought, 1999
——《未来时速》,1999 年
Business Standards
I really shouldn’t say this, but in some ways it leads, in an individual product category, to a natural monopoly: where somebody properly documents, trains, promotes a particular package and through momentum, user loyalty, reputation, sales force, and prices builds a very strong position with that product.
—Rosen Research Personal Computer Forum Proceedings, May 1981
——卢森研究个人电脑论坛的会议记录,1981 年5 月
People underestimate how effective capitalism is at keeping even the most successful companies on edge.
—The Rich and How They Got That Way, 2001
——《富人和他们的致富之道》,2001 年
Capitalism is great and having thousands of things going on in parallel. And a lot of them fail. Some are just mediocre. But the ones that are special can grow and, you know, stun everybody
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微软启示录:比尔·盖茨语录 [Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words] 下载 epub mobi pdf txt 电子书 2025微软启示录:比尔·盖茨语录 [Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words] mobi pdf epub txt 电子书 下载 2025
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评分 评分书还是很经典的,但是感觉比尔·盖茨真的老了……
微软启示录:比尔·盖茨语录 [Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words] epub pdf mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025